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# /etc/conf.d/vdr.satip:
# Configuration:
# The plugin accepts a "--devices" (-d) command-line parameter defaulting
# to one. This parameter defines how many simultaneous transponders can
# be received, if there are available SAT>IP tuners.
# The plugin accepts also a "--server" (-s) command-line parameter, that
# can be used to manually configure static SAT>IP servers if autodetection
# via UPnP somehow can't be used. The parameter string is a semicolon
# separated list of "<ipaddress>|<model>|<description>" entries. The model
# consists of a DVB system (DVBS2,DVBT2,DVBT,DVBC) and number of available
# frontends separated by a hyphen:
# vdr -P 'satip -s <ipaddress>|<model>|<description>;...'
# vdr -P 'satip -s|DVBS2-2,DVBT2-2|Octo1'
# vdr -P 'satip -s|DVBS2-4|Octo1;|DVBT2-4|Octo2'
# Some SAT>IP tuners need quirks, which the plugin tries to autodetect.
# Check vdr log for lines like "SATIP: Adding server" what devices are found
# and added.
# If this autodetection is not enough, quirks can be overridden with a hexadecimal
# number behind the description:
# vdr -P 'satip -s|DVBS2-2,DVBT2-2|EXIP414:0x40'
# available quirks:
# eSatipQuirkSessionId = 0x01 fix a session id bug
# eSatipQuirkPlayPids = 0x02 fix a play (add/delpids) parameter bug
# eSatipQuirkForceLock = 0x04 fix a frontend locking bug
# eSatipQuirkRtpOverTcp = 0x08 support for RTP over TCP
# eSatipQuirkCiXpmt = 0x10 support the X_PMT protocol extension
# eSatipQuirkCiTnr = 0x20 support the TNR protocol extension
# eSatipQuirkForcePilot = 0x40 fix not-supported auto-detection of pilot tones
# the quirks parameter must be the summary of the single quirks needed
# Warning: specify <description> always without spaces - the gentoo vdr framework
# will break parameters
# no default parameters
# uncomment the next line and add your personal settings,
# depend on the infos from ahead
#_EXTRAOPTS="-d 2 -s|DVBS2-2|Octo1"