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# ChangeLog for net-misc/tipcutils
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/tipcutils/ChangeLog,v 1.8 2015/01/29 08:53:26 pinkbyte Exp $
*tipcutils-2.0.3 (29 Jan 2015)
29 Jan 2015; Sergey Popov <> +tipcutils-2.0.3.ebuild,
Version bump, wrt bug #537880. Package will be maintained by tokiclover
<tokiclover AT> via proxy maintainers
26 Jun 2014; Michael Palimaka <>
-files/tipcutils-1.0.4-cflags.patch, -tipcutils-1.0.4.ebuild:
Remove old.
08 Dec 2012; Ulrich Müller <> tipcutils-1.0.4.ebuild,
Fix LICENSE, 3-clause BSD license according to notice in tipc-config.c.
*tipcutils-2.0.0 (02 Oct 2011)
02 Oct 2011; Samuli Suominen <> +tipcutils-2.0.0.ebuild,
Version bump wrt #383807 by Diego Elio Pettenò
02 Mar 2010; Markos Chandras <> tipcutils-1.0.4.ebuild,
New cflags patch thanks to Malcolm Lashley <>. Fixes bug
21 Jan 2008; Samuli Suominen <>
+files/tipcutils-1.0.4-cflags.patch, tipcutils-1.0.4.ebuild:
Use linux-info.eclass to figure out KERNEL_DIR for tipc_config.h include wrt
29 Aug 2007; Christian Heim <> metadata.xml:
Removing gustavoz from metadata due to his retirement (see #36010 for
*tipcutils-1.0.4 (26 Jan 2007)
26 Jan 2007; Gustavo Zacarias <> +metadata.xml,
New tool for the TIPC protocol wrt #130002