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Do you ever feel the need to test code involving bottoms (e.g. calls to
the @error@ function), or code involving infinite values? Then this
library could be useful for you.
It is usually easy to get a grip on bottoms by showing a value and
waiting to see how much gets printed before the first exception is
encountered. However, that quickly gets tiresome and is hard to automate
using e.g. QuickCheck
(&lt;;). With this library you
can do the tests as simply as the following examples show.
Testing explicitly for bottoms:
[@&gt; isBottom (head [\])@] @True@
[@&gt; isBottom bottom@] @True@
[@&gt; isBottom (\\_ -&gt; bottom)@] @False@
[@&gt; isBottom (bottom, bottom)@] @False@
Comparing finite, partial values:
[@&gt; ((bottom, 3) :: (Bool, Int)) ==! (bottom, 2+5-4)@] @True@
[@&gt; ((bottom, bottom) :: (Bool, Int)) &lt;! (bottom, 8)@] @True@
Showing partial and infinite values (@\\\/!@ is join and @\/\\!@ is meet):
[@&gt; approxShow 4 $ (True, bottom) \\\/! (bottom, \&#39;b\&#39;)@] @\&quot;Just (True, \&#39;b\&#39;)\&quot;@
[@&gt; approxShow 4 $ (True, bottom) \/\\! (bottom, \&#39;b\&#39;)@] @\&quot;(_|_, _|_)\&quot;@
[@&gt; approxShow 4 $ ([1..\] :: [Int\])@] @\&quot;[1, 2, 3, _\&quot;@
[@&gt; approxShow 4 $ (cycle [bottom\] :: [Bool\])@] @\&quot;[_|_, _|_, _|_, _\&quot;@
Approximately comparing infinite, partial values:
[@&gt; approx 100 [2,4..\] ==! approx 100 (filter even [1..\] :: [Int\])@] @True@
[@&gt; approx 100 [2,4..\] \/=! approx 100 (filter even [bottom..\] :: [Int\])@] @True@
The code above relies on the fact that @bottom@, just as @error
\&quot;...\&quot;@, @undefined@ and pattern match failures, yield
exceptions. Sometimes we are dealing with properly non-terminating
computations, such as the following example, and then it can be nice to
be able to apply a time-out:
[@&gt; timeOut&#39; 1 (reverse [1..5\])@] @Value [5,4,3,2,1]@
[@&gt; timeOut&#39; 1 (reverse [1..\])@] @NonTermination@
The time-out functionality can be used to treat \&quot;slow\&quot; computations as
[@&gt; let tweak = Tweak &amp;#x7b; approxDepth = Just 5, timeOutLimit = Just 2 &amp;#x7d;@]
[@&gt; semanticEq tweak (reverse [1..\], [1..\]) (bottom :: [Int\], [1..\] :: [Int\])@] @True@
[@&gt; let tweak = noTweak &amp;#x7b; timeOutLimit = Just 2 &amp;#x7d;@]
[@&gt; semanticJoin tweak (reverse [1..\], True) ([\] :: [Int\], bottom)@] @Just ([],True)@
This can of course be dangerous:
[@&gt; let tweak = noTweak &amp;#x7b; timeOutLimit = Just 0 &amp;#x7d;@]
[@&gt; semanticEq tweak (reverse [1..100000000\]) (bottom :: [Integer\])@] @True@
Timeouts can also be applied to @IO@ computations:
[@&gt; let primes = unfoldr (\\(x:xs) -&gt; Just (x, filter ((\/= 0) . (\`mod\` x)) xs)) [2..\]@]
[@&gt; timeOutMicro 100 (print $ filter ((== 1) . (\`mod\` 83)) primes)@] @[167,499,9NonTermination@
[@&gt; timeOutMicro 100 (print $ take 6 $ filter ((== 1) . (\`mod\` 83)) primes)@] @[167,499,997,1163,1993NonTermination@
[@&gt; timeOutMicro 100 (print $ take 6 $ filter ((== 1) . (\`mod\` 83)) primes)@] @[167,499,997,1163,1993,2657]@
[@ @] @Value ()@
For the underlying theory and a larger example involving use of
QuickCheck, see the article \&quot;Chasing Bottoms, A Case Study in Program
Verification in the Presence of Partial and Infinite Values\&quot;
The code has been tested using GHC. Most parts can probably be
ported to other Haskell compilers, but this would require some work.
The @TimeOut@ functions require preemptive scheduling, and most of
the rest requires @Data.Generics@; @isBottom@ only requires
exceptions, though.