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19 lines
744 B

Remove inappropriate check for a previous install. See Bug #527336
diff -u bokeh-0.5.0.orig/ bokeh-0.5.0/
--- 2014-07-09 02:56:57.000000000 +0800
+++ 2014-10-30 18:31:42.075161454 +0800
@@ -253,12 +253,6 @@
site_packages = getsitepackages()[0]
bokeh_path = join(site_packages, "bokeh")
-if exists(bokeh_path) and isdir(bokeh_path):
- val = raw_input("found existing bokeh install, remove it?[y|N]")
- if val == "y":
- print ("removing old bokeh install")
- shutil.rmtree(bokeh_path)
- print ("not removing old bokeh install")
path_file = join(site_packages, "bokeh.pth")
path = abspath(dirname(__file__))
Common subdirectories: bokeh-0.5.0.orig/sphinx and bokeh-0.5.0/sphinx