423 lines
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423 lines
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# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Id$
# @ECLASS: php-ext-source-r3.eclass
# Gentoo PHP team <php-bugs@gentoo.org>
# @BLURB: Compile and install standalone PHP extensions.
# A unified interface for compiling and installing standalone PHP
# extensions.
inherit autotools
EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_unpack src_prepare src_configure src_compile src_install src_test
case ${EAPI} in
6) ;;
die "${ECLASS} is not compatible with EAPI=${EAPI}"
# The extension name. This must be set, otherwise the eclass dies.
# Only automagically set by php-ext-pecl-r3.eclass, so unless your ebuild
# inherits that eclass, you must set this manually before inherit.
[[ -z "${PHP_EXT_NAME}" ]] && \
die "no extension name specified for the php-ext-source-r3 eclass"
# Controls whether or not to add a line to php.ini for the extension.
# Defaults to "yes" and should not be changed in most cases.
[[ -z "${PHP_EXT_INI}" ]] && PHP_EXT_INI="yes"
# Controls whether the extension is a ZendEngine extension or not.
# Defaults to "no". If you don't know what this is, you don't need it.
[[ -z "${PHP_EXT_ZENDEXT}" ]] && PHP_EXT_ZENDEXT="no"
# Lists the PHP slots compatible the extension is compatible with.
# Example:
# USE_PHP="php5-6 php7-0"
[[ -z "${USE_PHP}" ]] && \
die "USE_PHP is not set for the php-ext-source-r3 eclass"
# If set, all of the dependencies added by this eclass will be
# conditional on USE=${PHP_EXT_OPTIONAL_USE}. This is needed when
# ebuilds have to inherit this eclass unconditionally, but only
# actually use it when (for example) the user has USE=php.
# The relative location of the temporary build directory for the PHP
# extension within the source package. This is useful for packages that
# bundle the PHP extension. Defaults to ${S}.
[[ -z "${PHP_EXT_S}" ]] && PHP_EXT_S="${S}"
# A list of SAPIs for which we will install this extension. Formerly
# called PHPSAPILIST. The default includes every SAPI currently used in
# the tree.
[[ -z "${PHP_EXT_SAPIS}" ]] && PHP_EXT_SAPIS="apache2 cli cgi fpm embed phpdbg"
# Make sure at least one target is installed. First, start a USE
# conditional like "php?", but only when PHP_EXT_OPTIONAL_USE is
# non-null. The option group "|| (..." is always started here.
for _php_target in ${USE_PHP}; do
# Now loop through each USE_PHP target and add the corresponding
# dev-lang/php slot to PHPDEPEND.
IUSE+=" php_targets_${_php_target}"
REQUIRED_USE+="php_targets_${_php_target} "
PHPDEPEND+=" php_targets_${_php_target}? ( dev-lang/php:${_php_slot} )"
# Don't pollute the environment with our loop variables.
unset _php_slot _php_target
# Finally, end the optional group that we started before the loop. Close
# the USE-conditional if PHP_EXT_OPTIONAL_USE is non-null.
# By default, we run "phpize" in php-ext-source-r3_src_unpack(). Set
# PHP_EXT_SKIP_PHPIZE="yes" in your ebuild if you do not want to run
# phpize (and the autoreconf that becomes necessary afterwards).
# @FUNCTION: php-ext-source-r3_src_unpack
# Runs the default src_unpack and then makes a copy for each PHP slot.
php-ext-source-r3_src_unpack() {
local slot orig_s="${PHP_EXT_S}"
for slot in $(php_get_slots); do
cp --recursive --preserve "${orig_s}" "${WORKDIR}/${slot}" || \
die "failed to copy sources from ${orig_s} to ${WORKDIR}/${slot}"
# @FUNCTION: php-ext-source-r3_src_prepare
# For each PHP slot, we initialize the environment, run the default
# src_prepare() for PATCHES/eapply_user support, and then call
# php-ext-source-r3_phpize.
php-ext-source-r3_src_prepare() {
for slot in $(php_get_slots); do
php_init_slot_env "${slot}"
# @FUNCTION: php-ext-source-r3_phpize
# Subject to PHP_EXT_SKIP_PHPIZE, this function runs phpize and
# autoreconf in a manner that avoids warnings.
php-ext-source-r3_phpize() {
if [[ "${PHP_EXT_SKIP_PHPIZE}" != 'yes' ]] ; then
# Create configure out of config.m4. We use autotools_run_tool
# to avoid some warnings about WANT_AUTOCONF and
# WANT_AUTOMAKE (see bugs #329071 and #549268).
autotools_run_tool "${PHPIZE}"
# Force libtoolize to run and regenerate autotools files (bug
# #220519).
rm aclocal.m4 || die "failed to remove aclocal.m4"
# Set this in the ebuild to pass additional configure options to
# econf. Formerly called my_conf. Either a string or an array of
# --flag=value parameters is supported.
# @FUNCTION: php-ext-source-r3_src_configure
# Takes care of standard configure for PHP extensions (modules).
php-ext-source-r3_src_configure() {
# net-snmp creates these, bug #385403.
addpredict /usr/share/snmp/mibs/.index
addpredict /var/lib/net-snmp/mib_indexes
# Support either a string or an array for PHP_EXT_ECONF_ARGS.
local econf_args
if [[ $(declare -p PHP_EXT_ECONF_ARGS) == "declare -a"* ]]; then
econf_args=( "${PHP_EXT_ECONF_ARGS[@]}" )
econf_args=( ${PHP_EXT_ECONF_ARGS} )
local slot
for slot in $(php_get_slots); do
php_init_slot_env "${slot}"
econf --with-php-config="${PHPCONFIG}" "${econf_args[@]}"
# @FUNCTION: php-ext-source-r3_src_compile
# Compile a standard standalone PHP extension.
php-ext-source-r3_src_compile() {
# net-snmp creates these, bug #324739.
addpredict /usr/share/snmp/mibs/.index
addpredict /var/lib/net-snmp/mib_indexes
# shm extension creates a semaphore file, bug #173574.
addpredict /session_mm_cli0.sem
local slot
for slot in $(php_get_slots); do
php_init_slot_env "${slot}"
# @FUNCTION: php-ext-source-r3_src_install
# Install a standard standalone PHP extension. Uses einstalldocs()
# to support the DOCS variable/array.
php-ext-source-r3_src_install() {
local slot
for slot in $(php_get_slots); do
php_init_slot_env "${slot}"
# Strip $EPREFIX from $EXT_DIR before calling doexe (which
# handles EPREFIX itself). Shared libs are +x by convention,
# although nothing seems to depend on that.
exeinto "${EXT_DIR#$EPREFIX}"
doexe "modules/${PHP_EXT_NAME}.so"
INSTALL_ROOT="${D}" emake install-headers
# @FUNCTION: php-ext-source-r3_src_test
# Run tests delivered with the standalone PHP extension. Phpize will have generated
# a run-tests.php file to be executed by `make test`. We only need to
# force the test suite to run in non-interactive mode.
php-ext-source-r3_src_test() {
local slot
for slot in $(php_get_slots); do
php_init_slot_env "${slot}"
NO_INTERACTION="yes" emake test
# @FUNCTION: php_get_slots
# Get a list of PHP slots contained in both the ebuild's USE_PHP and the
# user's PHP_TARGETS.
php_get_slots() {
local s=""
local slot
for slot in ${USE_PHP}; do
use php_targets_${slot} && s+=" ${slot/-/.}"
echo $s
# @FUNCTION: php_init_slot_env
# @USAGE: <slot>
# Takes a slot name, and initializes some global variables to values
# corresponding to that slot. For example, it sets the path to the "php"
# and "phpize" binaries, which will differ for each slot. This function
# is intended to be called while looping through a list of slots
# obtained from php_get_slots().
# Calling this function will change the working directory to the
# temporary build directory for the given slot.
php_init_slot_env() {
local libdir=$(get_libdir)
local slot="${1}"
PHP_PKG="$(best_version =dev-lang/php-${1:3}*)"
EXT_DIR="$(${PHPCONFIG} --extension-dir 2>/dev/null)"
cd "${PHP_EXT_S}" || die "failed to change directory to ${PHP_EXT_S}"
# @FUNCTION: php_slot_ini_files
# @USAGE: <slot>
# Output a list of relative paths to INI files for the given
# slot. Usually there will be one INI file per SAPI.
php_slot_ini_files() {
local slot_ini_files=""
local x
for x in ${PHP_EXT_SAPIS} ; do
if [[ -f "${EPREFIX}/etc/php/${x}-${1}/php.ini" ]] ; then
slot_ini_files+=" etc/php/${x}-${1}/ext/${PHP_EXT_NAME}.ini"
echo "${slot_ini_files}"
# @FUNCTION: php-ext-source-r3_createinifiles
# Builds INI files for every enabled slot and SAPI.
php-ext-source-r3_createinifiles() {
local slot
for slot in $(php_get_slots); do
php_init_slot_env "${slot}"
local file
for file in $(php_slot_ini_files "${slot}") ; do
if [[ "${PHP_EXT_INI}" = "yes" ]] ; then
# Add the needed lines to the <ext>.ini files
php-ext-source-r3_addextension "${PHP_EXT_NAME}.so" "${file}"
if [[ -n "${PHP_EXT_INIFILE}" ]] ; then
cat "${FILESDIR}/${PHP_EXT_INIFILE}" >> "${ED}/${file}" \
|| die "failed to append to ${ED}/${file}"
einfo "Added contents of ${FILESDIR}/${PHP_EXT_INIFILE}" \
"to ${file}"
dodir "/${inidir}"
dosym "/${file}" "/${file/ext/ext-active}"
# A location where PHP code for this extension can be stored,
# independent of the PHP or extension versions. This will be part of
# PHP's include_path, configured in php.ini. For example, pecl-apcu
# installs an "apc.php" file which you are supposed to load with
# require('apcu/apc.php');
# @FUNCTION: php-ext-source-r3_addextension
# @USAGE: <extension-path> <ini-file>
# Add a line to an INI file that will enable the given extension. The
# first parameter is the path to the extension (.so) file, and the
# second parameter is the name of the INI file in which it should be
# loaded. This function determines the setting name (either
# "extension=..." or "zend_extension=...") and then calls
# php-ext-source-r3_addtoinifile to do the actual work.
php-ext-source-r3_addextension() {
local ext_type="extension"
local ext_file="${1}"
if [[ "${PHP_EXT_ZENDEXT}" = "yes" ]] ; then
ext_file="${EXT_DIR}/${1}" # Zend extensions need the path...
php-ext-source-r3_addtoinifile "${2}" "${ext_type}" "${ext_file}"
# @FUNCTION: php-ext-source-r3_addtoinifile
# @USAGE: <relative-ini-path> <setting-or-section-name> [setting-value]
# Add a setting=value to one INI file. The first argument is the
# relative path to the INI file. The second argument is the setting
# name, and the third argument is its value.
# You can also pass "[Section]" as the second parameter, to create a new
# section in the INI file. In that case, the third parameter (which
# would otherwise be the value of the setting) is ignored.
php-ext-source-r3_addtoinifile() {
local inifile="${WORKDIR}/${1}"
local inidir="${inifile%/*}"
mkdir -p "${inidir}" || die "failed to create INI directory ${inidir}"
# Are we adding the name of a section? Assume not by default.
local my_added="${2}=${3}"
if [[ ${2:0:1} == "[" ]] ; then
# Ok, it's a section name.
echo "${my_added}" >> "${inifile}" || die "failed to append to ${inifile}"
einfo "Added '${my_added}' to /${1}"
insinto "/${1%/*}"
doins "${inifile}"
# @FUNCTION: php-ext-source-r3_addtoinifiles
# @USAGE: <setting-or-section-name> [setting-value] [message]
# Add settings to every php.ini file installed by this extension.
# You can also add new [Section]s -- see the example below.
# Add some settings for the extension:
# php-ext-source-r3_addtoinifiles "zend_optimizer.optimization_level" "15"
# php-ext-source-r3_addtoinifiles "zend_optimizer.enable_loader" "0"
# php-ext-source-r3_addtoinifiles "zend_optimizer.disable_licensing" "0"
# Adding values to a section in php.ini file installed by the extension:
# php-ext-source-r3_addtoinifiles "[Debugger]"
# php-ext-source-r3_addtoinifiles "debugger.enabled" "on"
# php-ext-source-r3_addtoinifiles "debugger.profiler_enabled" "on"
php-ext-source-r3_addtoinifiles() {
local slot
for slot in $(php_get_slots); do
for file in $(php_slot_ini_files "${slot}") ; do
php-ext-source-r3_addtoinifile "${file}" "${1}" "${2}"