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DEFINED_PHASES=compile configure install postinst postrm prepare setup test unpack
DEPEND=!libressl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= ) libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl:= ) libsecret? ( app-crypt/libsecret ) sys-libs/zlib pcre? ( dev-libs/libpcre ) perl? ( dev-lang/perl:=[-build(-)] ) tk? ( dev-lang/tk:0= ) curl? ( net-misc/curl webdav? ( dev-libs/expat ) ) emacs? ( virtual/emacs ) doc? ( app-text/asciidoc app-text/docbook2X sys-apps/texinfo app-text/xmlto ) nls? ( sys-devel/gettext ) test? ( app-crypt/gnupg ) app-text/asciidoc virtual/pkgconfig >=dev-vcs/git-
DESCRIPTION=stupid content tracker: distributed VCS designed for speed and efficiency
IUSE=+blksha1 +curl cgi doc emacs +gpg highlight +iconv libressl libsecret mediawiki mediawiki-experimental +nls +pcre +perl +python ppcsha1 tk +threads +webdav xinetd cvs subversion test linguas_bg linguas_ca linguas_de linguas_fr linguas_is linguas_it linguas_ko linguas_pt_PT linguas_ru linguas_sv linguas_vi linguas_zh_CN python_targets_python2_7
RDEPEND=!libressl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= ) libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl:= ) libsecret? ( app-crypt/libsecret ) sys-libs/zlib pcre? ( dev-libs/libpcre ) perl? ( dev-lang/perl:=[-build(-)] ) tk? ( dev-lang/tk:0= ) curl? ( net-misc/curl webdav? ( dev-libs/expat ) ) emacs? ( virtual/emacs ) gpg? ( app-crypt/gnupg ) mediawiki? ( dev-perl/DateTime-Format-ISO8601 dev-perl/HTML-Tree dev-perl/MediaWiki-API ) perl? ( dev-perl/Error dev-perl/Net-SMTP-SSL dev-perl/Authen-SASL cgi? ( dev-perl/CGI highlight? ( app-text/highlight ) ) cvs? ( >=dev-vcs/cvsps-2.1:0 dev-perl/DBI dev-perl/DBD-SQLite ) subversion? ( dev-vcs/subversion[-dso,perl] dev-perl/libwww-perl dev-perl/TermReadKey ) ) python? ( python_targets_python2_7? ( >=dev-lang/python-2.7.5-r2:2.7 ) >=dev-lang/python-exec-2:=[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_jython2_7(-),-python_single_target_pypy(-),-python_single_target_pypy3(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python3_5(-),-python_single_target_python3_6(-),python_single_target_python2_7(+)] )
REQUIRED_USE=cgi? ( perl ) cvs? ( perl ) mediawiki? ( perl ) mediawiki-experimental? ( mediawiki ) subversion? ( perl ) webdav? ( curl ) python? ( python_targets_python2_7 )
_eclasses_=bash-completion-r1 8e447753aaf658afa609fbf961d80ab7 elisp-common 19ff54b35acd0bf2a14831a308a57753 eutils 3c847a0129fed780bd709b98e426f89c git-r3 08c5be5f8bdc203ed54d5ff5fef3c34d l10n 8f52d9ce1814aca2ed1a46920084ea66 multilib 0236be304ee52e7f179ed2f337075515 multiprocessing 284a473719153462f3e974d86c8cb81c perl-functions ca1237f4863eb3e83ab1462927f981c2 perl-module e64d78a54693f92bbe90a62f2efeb6cb python-single-r1 4346485bdd137b2d301e993dad734668 python-utils-r1 316c531873247e48befb99900e5aa2ed systemd ec2e9154031d942186c75c0aabb41900 toolchain-funcs 53b75b4a49cf3e61530a523804045432