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Disable test leaving mozc_server orphan process.
--- /src/unix/ibus/
+++ /src/unix/ibus/
@@ -41,65 +41,5 @@
namespace mozc {
namespace ibus {
-class LaunchToolTest : public testing::Test {
- public:
- LaunchToolTest() {
- g_type_init();
- }
- protected:
- virtual void SetUp() {
- mozc_engine_.reset(new MozcEngine());
- mock_ = new client::ClientMock();
- mock_->ClearFunctionCounter();
- mozc_engine_->client_.reset(mock_);
- }
- virtual void TearDown() {
- mozc_engine_.reset();
- }
- client::ClientMock* mock_;
- unique_ptr<MozcEngine> mozc_engine_;
- private:
-TEST_F(LaunchToolTest, LaunchToolTest) {
- commands::Output output;
- // Launch config dialog
- mock_->ClearFunctionCounter();
- mock_->SetBoolFunctionReturn("LaunchToolWithProtoBuf", true);
- output.set_launch_tool_mode(commands::Output::CONFIG_DIALOG);
- EXPECT_TRUE(mozc_engine_->LaunchTool(output));
- // Launch dictionary tool
- mock_->ClearFunctionCounter();
- mock_->SetBoolFunctionReturn("LaunchToolWithProtoBuf", true);
- output.set_launch_tool_mode(commands::Output::DICTIONARY_TOOL);
- EXPECT_TRUE(mozc_engine_->LaunchTool(output));
- // Launch word register dialog
- mock_->ClearFunctionCounter();
- mock_->SetBoolFunctionReturn("LaunchToolWithProtoBuf", true);
- output.set_launch_tool_mode(commands::Output::WORD_REGISTER_DIALOG);
- EXPECT_TRUE(mozc_engine_->LaunchTool(output));
- // Launch no tool(means do nothing)
- mock_->ClearFunctionCounter();
- mock_->SetBoolFunctionReturn("LaunchToolWithProtoBuf", false);
- output.set_launch_tool_mode(commands::Output::NO_TOOL);
- EXPECT_FALSE(mozc_engine_->LaunchTool(output));
- // Something occurring in client::Client::LaunchTool
- mock_->ClearFunctionCounter();
- mock_->SetBoolFunctionReturn("LaunchToolWithProtoBuf", false);
- output.set_launch_tool_mode(commands::Output::CONFIG_DIALOG);
- EXPECT_FALSE(mozc_engine_->LaunchTool(output));
} // namespace ibus
} // namespace mozc