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# This script is to be distributed on the Gentoo liveCD's under the terms or the GNU General Public License version 2 or later
# Copyright 2002 Sam Besselink (
# This script does some configuration needed before it's possible to make a succesful pptp tunnel.
a4lvarconfig() {
# Get username, password and 'phonenumber' (pc1/pc2/pc3/...)
echo "What's your username? (ie. myname@subscription-form)"; read USERNAME;
echo ""
echo "What's your password?"; read PAWD;
echo ""
echo "If you have a subscription with multiple ip addresses, please specify your 'pc-number'? (ie. pc3) Press"\
"ENTER if you have no idea what I'm talking about."; read PCNUMBER;
echo ""
if [ -z ${PCNUMBER} ]; then PCNUMBER=pc1; else :; fi;
echo "Are these, in order, your username, password and pc-number?";
echo "username: ${USERNAME}";
echo "password: ${PAWD}";
echo "pc-number: ${PCNUMBER}";
# Ask whether settings are correct and act accordingly.
CHECK="Yes No";
select CHCKCHCK in ${CHECK}; do
if [ ${CHCKCHCK} = "Yes" ];
# Get username etc. again if last try was incorrect.
then adslconfigins;
# Else go to the next step.
else echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; a4lvarconfig;
adslconfigins() {
if [ -d /etc/ppp/peers ]; then :; else mkdir /etc/ppp/peers; fi
cd /etc/ppp/peers
# Save your settings to a file.
echo "idle 0" > .adsl
echo "noauth" >> .adsl
echo "user ${USERNAME}" >> .adsl
echo "usepeerdns" >> .adsl
echo "defaultroute" >> .adsl
echo "linkname mxstream" >> .adsl
echo 'pty "/usr/sbin/pptp --nolaunchpppd --phone '"${PCNUMBER}"'"' >> .adsl
if [ -e adsl ]; then mv .adsl ._cfg0000_adsl; else mv .adsl adsl; fi
chmod 644 adsl
pap-secretsins() {
if [ -d /etc/ppp/peers ]; then :; else mkdir /etc/ppp/peers; fi
cd /etc/ppp
# Save the 'secret' (password) in the secrets file.
echo "# Secrets for authentication using PAP" > .pap-secrets
echo "# client server secret ip-addresses" >> .pap-secrets
echo "${USERNAME} * "'"'"${PAWD}"'"'" *" >> .pap-secrets
if [ -e pap-secrets ]; then mv .pap-secrets ._cfg0000_pap-secrets; else mv .pap-secrets pap-secrets; fi
loggingadsl() {
# Crontab Logging
echo "Trying to install logging..."
local TESTER="root test -x /usr/sbin/adsl && /usr/sbin/adsl update"
local STRING1="/5 * * * * ${TESTER}"
# Check if /etc/crontab exists
if [ -e /etc/crontab ]; then \
# If cron works install, else don't.
if [ `grep -c "/5 \* \* \* \* ${TESTER}" /etc/crontab` != "0" ]; then echo "Not adding string for crontab";
else echo -e '\n# 5-minute ADSL log update' >> /etc/crontab;
echo -e "${STRING1}" >> /etc/crontab;
echo "Added to crontab: a 5 minute log update";
else echo "/etc/crontab doesn't exist!"
# ip-down.local logging
local TEST=""
local TEST2="^/usr/sbin/adsl stoplog$"
local STRING2="/usr/sbin/adsl stoplog"
if [ -e /etc/ppp/ip-down.local ]; then :; else touch /etc/ppp/ip-down.local; fi
local test=`grep -c "${TEST2}" /etc/ppp/ip-down.local`
# If there already is such a string, don't do anything, else add it.
if [ "${TEST}" != "0" ]; then echo "Not adding string for log in /etc/ppp/ip-down.local";
else echo -e '\n# ADSL log save' >> /etc/ppp/ip-down.local;
echo -e "${STRING2}" >> /etc/ppp/ip-down.local;
echo "Added to ip-down.local: log save";
echo "Configuration is done!"
echo "If you want you can check/tweak your settings by editting /etc/ppp/pap-secrets"
echo "and /etc/ppp/peers/adsl. Enjoy!"
echo -e "\e[33;01m* IMPORTANT:\e[00;00m files in /etc _MAY_ need updating.";
echo -e "\e[33;01m*\e[00;00m Type \e[32;01memerge --help config \e[00;00mto learn how to update config files.";
# Start the configuring