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# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/webmin/webmin-1.600.ebuild,v 1.1 2012/10/14 09:52:45 hwoarang Exp $
inherit eutils pam ssl-cert
DESCRIPTION="A web-based Unix systems administration interface"
SRC_URI="minimal? ( mirror://sourceforge/webadmin/${P}-minimal.tar.gz )
!minimal? ( mirror://sourceforge/webadmin/${P}.tar.gz )"
KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
# NOTE: The ssl flag auto added by ssl-cert eclass is not used actually
# because openssl is forced by dev-perl/Net-SSLeay
IUSE="minimal +ssl mysql postgres ldap"
# All the required perl modules can be found easily using (in Webmin's root src dir):
# find . -name -exec grep "::" {} \;
# NOTE: If Webmin doesn't find the required perl modules, it offers(runtime) the user
# to install them using the in-built cpan module, and this will mess up perl on the system
# That's why some modules are forced without a use flag
# NOTE: pam, ssl and dnssec-tools deps are forced for security and Gentoo compliance installation reasons
!minimal? (
mysql? ( dev-perl/DBD-mysql )
postgres? ( dev-perl/DBD-Pg )
ldap? ( dev-perl/perl-ldap )
src_prepare() {
local perl="$( which perl )"
# Remove the unnecessary and incompatible files
rm -rf acl/Authen-SolarisRBAC-0.1*
if ! use minimal ; then
rm -rf {format,{bsd,hpux,sgi}exports,zones,rbac}
rm -f mount/{free,net,open}bsd-mounts*
rm -f mount/macos-mounts*
# For security reasons remove the SSL certificate that comes with Webmin
# We will create our own later
rm -f miniserv.pem
# Remove the Webmin setup scripts to avoid Webmin in runtime to mess up config
# We will use our own later
rm -f setup.{sh,pl}
# Fix the permissions of the install files
chmod -R og-w "${S}"
# Since we should not modify any files after install
# we set the perl path in all cgi and pl files here using Webmin's routines
# The pl file is Prefix safe and works only on provided input, no other filesystem files
ebegin "Fixing perl path in source files"
(find "${S}" -name '*.cgi' -print ; find "${S}" -name '*.pl' -print) | $perl "${S}"/ $perl -
eend $?
src_install() {
# Create config dir and keep
diropts -m0755
dodir /etc/webmin
keepdir /etc/webmin
# Create install dir
# Third party modules installed through Webmin go here too, so keep
dodir /usr/libexec/webmin
keepdir /usr/libexec/webmin
# Copy our own setup script to installation folder
insinto /usr/libexec/webmin
newins "${FILESDIR}"/gentoo-setup
fperms 0744 /usr/libexec/webmin/
# This is here if we ever want in future ebuilds to add some specific
# config values in the /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf
# The format of this file should be the same as the one of miniserv.conf:
# var=value
# Uncomment it if you use such file. Before that check if upstream
# has this file in root dir too.
#newins "${FILESDIR}/miniserv-conf" miniserv-conf
# Create the log dir and keep
diropts -m0700
dodir /var/log/webmin
keepdir /var/log/webmin
# Create the init.d file and put the neccessary variables there
newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/init.d.webmin webmin
sed -i \
-e "s:%exe%:${EROOT}usr/libexec/webmin/" \
-e "s:%pid%:${EROOT}var/run/" \
-e "s:%conf%:${EROOT}etc/webmin/miniserv.conf:" \
-e "s:%perllib%:${EROOT}usr/libexec/webmin:" \
"${ED}etc/init.d/webmin" \
|| die "Failed to patch the webmin init file"
# Setup pam
pamd_mimic system-auth webmin auth account session
# Copy files to installation folder
ebegin "Copying install files to destination"
cp -pPR "${S}"/* "${ED}usr/libexec/webmin"
eend $?
pkg_preinst() {
# First stop service if running so Webmin to not messup our config
ebegin "Stopping any running Webmin instance prior merging"
rc-service --ifexists -- webmin --ifstarted stop
eend $?
pkg_postinst() {
# Run pkg_config phase first - non interactively
export INTERACTIVE="no"
# Every next time pkg_config should be interactive
ewarn "Bare in mind that not all Webmin modules are Gentoo tweaked and may have some issues."
ewarn "Always be careful when using modules that modify init entries, do update of webmin, install CPAN modules etc."
ewarn "To avoid problems, please before using any module, look at its configuration options first."
ewarn "(Usually there is a link at top in the right pane of Webmin for configuring the module.)"
elog "- To make Webmin start at boot time, run: 'rc-update add webmin default'"
elog "- The default URL to connect to Webmin is: https://localhost:10000"
elog "- The default user that can login is: root"
elog "- To reconfigure Webmin in case of problems run 'emerge --config app-admin/webmin'"
pkg_prerm() {
# First stop service if running - we do not want Webmin to mess up config
ebegin "Stopping any running Webmin instance prior unmerging"
rc-service --ifexists -- webmin --ifstarted stop
eend $?
pkg_postrm() {
ewarn "You have uninstalled Webmin, so have in mind that all cron jobs scheduled"
ewarn "by Webmin for its own modules, are left active and they will fail when Webmin is missing."
ewarn "To fix this just disable them if you intend to use Webmin again,"
ewarn "OR delete them if not."
# First stop service if running
ebegin "Stopping any running Webmin instance"
rc-service --ifexists -- webmin --ifstarted stop
eend $?
# Next set the default reset variable to 'none'
# reset/_reset can be:
# 'none' - does not reset anything, just upgrades if a conf is present
# OR installs new conf if a conf is missing
# 'soft' - deletes only $config_dir/config file and thus resetting most
# conf values to their defaults. Keeps the specific Webmin cron jobs
# 'hard' - deletes all files in $config_dir (keeping the .keep_* Gentoo file)
# and thus resetting all Webmin. Deletes the specific Webmin cron jobs too.
local _reset="none"
# If in interactive mode ask user what should we do
if [[ "${INTERACTIVE}" = "yes" ]]; then
einfo "Please enter the number of the action you would like to perform?"
einfo "1. Update configuration"
einfo " (keeps old config options and adds the new ones)"
einfo "2. Soft reset configuration"
einfo " (keeps some old config options, the other options are set to default)"
ewarn " All Webmin users will be reset"
einfo "3. Hard reset configuration"
einfo " (all options including module options are set to default)"
ewarn " You will lose all Webmin configuration options you have done till now"
einfo "4. Exit this configuration utility (default)"
while [ "$correct" != "true" ] ; do
read answer
if [[ "$answer" = "1" ]] ; then
elif [[ "$answer" = "2" ]] ; then
elif [[ "$answer" = "3" ]] ; then
elif [ "$answer" = "4" -o "$answer" = "" ] ; then
die "User aborted configuration."
echo "Answer not recognized. Enter a number from 1 to 4"
if [[ "$_reset" = "hard" ]]; then
while [ "$sure" != "true" ] ; do
ewarn "You will lose all Webmin configuration options you have done till now."
ewarn "Are you sure you want to do this? (y/n)"
read answer
if [[ $answer =~ ^[Yy]([Ee][Ss])?$ ]] ; then
elif [[ $answer =~ ^[Nn]([Oo])?$ ]] ; then
die "User aborted configuration."
echo "Answer not recognized. Enter 'y' or 'n'"
export reset=$_reset
# Create ssl certificate for Webmin if there is not one in the proper place
if [[ ! -e "${EROOT}etc/ssl/webmin/server.pem" ]]; then
install_cert "${EROOT}/etc/ssl/webmin/server"
# Ensure all paths passed to the setup script use EROOT
export wadir="${EROOT}usr/libexec/webmin"
export config_dir="${EROOT}etc/webmin"
export var_dir="${EROOT}var/log/webmin"
export tempdir="${T}"
export pidfile="${EROOT}var/run/"
export perl="$( which perl )"
export os_type='gentoo-linux'
export os_version='*'
export real_os_type='Gentoo Linux'
export real_os_version='Any version'
# Forcing 'ssl' and 'ssl_redirect' for tightening security
export ssl=1
export ssl_redirect=1
export keyfile="${EROOT}etc/ssl/webmin/server.pem"
export port=10000
export atboot=0
einfo "Executing Webmin's configure script"
einfo "Configuration of Webmin done"