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# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
command_args="-P ${pidfile} -x ${CONFFILE} -p ${OPENDKIM_SOCKET}"
depend() {
use dns logger net
before mta
check_cfg() {
# The opendkim.conf man page says,
# For parameters that are Boolean in nature, only the first byte
# of the value is processed... For negative values, the following
# are accepted: "F", "f", "N", "n", "0".'
if grep --quiet '^[[:space:]]*Background[[:space:]]\+[FfNn0]' \
"${CONFFILE}"; then
eerror "${RC_SVCNAME} cannot run in the foreground!"
return 1
start_pre() {
# If this isn't a restart, make sure that the user's config isn't
# busted before we try to start the daemon (this will produce
# better error messages than if we just try to start it blindly).
# If, on the other hand, this *is* a restart, then the stop_pre
# action will have ensured that the config is usable and we don't
# need to do that again.
if [ "${RC_CMD}" != "restart" ]; then
check_cfg || return $?
if [ -S "${OPENDKIM_SOCKET}" ] && ! fuser -s "${OPENDKIM_SOCKET}"; then
# Remove stalled Unix socket if no other process is
# using it
if ! rm "${UNIX_SOCKET}"; then
eerror "failed to remove stale unix socket ${OPENDKIM_SOCKET}"
return 2
# This relies on the "local:" prefix being there, but the conf.d
# file explicitly states that it's not optional (contrary to what
# the opendkim(8) man page says).
if [ "${OPENDKIM_SOCKET#local:}" != "${OPENDKIM_SOCKET}" ]; then
# The socket begins with "local:"
# This is dangerous, but there's a big warning about it
# in the conf.d file.
checkpath --directory --owner opendkim "${OPENDKIM_SOCKET_DIR}"
stop_pre() {
# If this is a restart, check to make sure the user's config
# isn't busted before we stop the running daemon.
if [ "${RC_CMD}" = "restart" ]; then
check_cfg || return $?