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14 lines
1010 B

DEFINED_PHASES=compile configure install preinst prepare setup test unpack
DEPEND=>=virtual/jdk-1.5 test? ( dev-java/ant-junit:0 >=dev-java/junit-4.8:4 ) >=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 source? ( app-arch/zip ) >=dev-java/ant-core-1.8.2 >=dev-java/javatoolkit-0.3.0-r2
DESCRIPTION=A set of platform constants (e.g. errno values)
IUSE=elibc_FreeBSD doc source test elibc_FreeBSD
KEYWORDS=amd64 x86
LICENSE=|| ( Apache-2.0 LGPL-3 )
RDEPEND=>=virtual/jre-1.5 >=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 source? ( app-arch/zip )
SRC_URI= -> jnr-constants-0.8.2.tar.gz
_eclasses_=eutils 06133990e861be0fe60c2b428fd025d9 java-ant-2 5f5bada6517ed26bc25083134e42b146 java-pkg-2 65bbb59987d777c1106ae8aa4bf36e7b java-utils-2 f02d3e4777b404c719a5a6479c37c6e3 multilib 3bf24e6abb9b76d9f6c20600f0b716bf toolchain-funcs 0f1760274637a138b99bb649202ea402 versionator cd0bcdb170807e4a1984115e9d53a26f