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commit ef6709b5e3510a7d0bcf0db91dbf5af5bc27b001
Author: Austin English <>
Date: Tue Nov 28 16:36:39 2017 -0600
test/ skip test if not in a git checkout
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 296429e..08bced2 100755
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -475,14 +475,20 @@ begin_test "ghe-backup stores version when not run from a clone"
# Make sure this doesn't exist
rm -f "$GHE_REMOTE_DATA_USER_DIR/common/backup-utils-version"
- tmpdir=$(mktemp -d $TRASHDIR/foo.XXXXXX)
- git clone $ROOTDIR $tmpdir/backup-utils
- cd $tmpdir/backup-utils
- rm -rf .git
- ./bin/ghe-backup
- # verify that ghe-backup wrote its version information to the host
- [ -f "$GHE_REMOTE_DATA_USER_DIR/common/backup-utils-version" ]
+ tmpdir=$(mktemp -d "$TRASHDIR/foo.XXXXXX")
+ # If user is running the tests extracted from a release tarball, git clone will fail.
+ if GIT_DIR="$ROOTDIR/.git" git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ git clone "$ROOTDIR" "$tmpdir/backup-utils"
+ cd "$tmpdir/backup-utils"
+ rm -rf .git
+ ./bin/ghe-backup
+ # Verify that ghe-backup wrote its version information to the host
+ [ -f "$GHE_REMOTE_DATA_USER_DIR/common/backup-utils-version" ]
+ else
+ echo ".git directory not found, skipping ghe-backup not from a clone test"
+ fi