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# This file only loads mod_cband and enables /cband-status page.
# For examples please consult the vhosts.conf.example.gz,
# vhosts2.conf.example.gz and vhosts3.conf.example.gz files installed in
# /usr/share/doc/mod_cband-*/
<IfDefine CBAND>
LoadModule cband_module modules/
<Location /cband-status>
SetHandler cband-status
# Some defaults:
#CBandScoreFlushPeriod 100
# And in virtual host configuration to limit it's speed:
#<VirtualHost *:80>
# DocumentRoot /var/www/
# ServerName
# <IfModule mod_cband.c>
# CBandLimit 600M
# CBandExceededURL
# CBandScoreboard /var/run/
# CBandPeriod 200S
# # 100kb/s, 10 request/s, max 5 connections
# CBandSpeed 100kb 10 5
# # 10kb/s, 3 request/s -> speed limit for any remote client, max 5 connections
# CBandRemoteSpeed 10kb/s 3 5
# </IfModule>
# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache