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11 lines
683 B

DEFINED_PHASES=compile configure install postinst preinst prepare setup test unpack
DEPEND=ruby_targets_jruby? ( dev-java/jruby )
DESCRIPTION=Virtual ebuild for the Ruby OpenSSL bindings
IUSE=elibc_FreeBSD ruby_targets_jruby
KEYWORDS=amd64 x86
RDEPEND=dev-ruby/jruby-openssl ruby_targets_jruby? ( dev-java/jruby )
_eclasses_=eutils 63afaaed8aa819fdcb814c7cd39495a2 java-utils-2 52b7cfbf4f7225fcea7e7f18b6d83328 multilib 892e597faee02a5b94eb02ab512e7622 ruby-ng 69c01a1b984ed066bc91b4397b002f6a toolchain-funcs 7ffd28a8c7eea27218865352bfd3ab2f user d0a4d0735a6c0183d707ca919bd72f28 versionator 6601b4c5b3f019a993db59a50e1854e4