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# Session Timeouts
# By default if a user hasn't issued a command for 2 hours
# RStudio will suspend that user's R session to disk so
# they are no longer consuming server resources (the next
# time the user attempts to access the server their session
# will be restored). You can change the timeout (including
# disabling it by specifying a value of 0) using the
# session-timeout-minutes setting
# By default RStudio sets the R_LIBS_USER environment
# variable to ~/R/library. This ensures that packages
# installed by end users do not have R version numbers
# encoded in the path (which is the default behavior).
# This in turn enables administrators to upgrade the version
# of R on the server without reseting users installed packages
# (which would occur if the installed packages were in an
# R-version derived directory).
# If you wish to override this behavior you can do so using
# the r-libs-user settings
# You can set the default CRAN repository for the server
# using the r-cran-repos setting