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19 lines
861 B

--- a/scripts/ (original)
+++ b/scripts/ (refactored)
@@ -56,13 +56,13 @@
cmake_call = cmake_call + " -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=" + sdkInstallDir
cmake_call = cmake_call + " -DAWSSDK_ROOT_DIR=" + sdkInstallDir
cmake_call = cmake_call + " " + sourceDir
- print("cmake call = " + cmake_call)
+ print(("cmake call = " + cmake_call))
subprocess.check_call(cmake_call, shell = True)
build_call = buildEnvironment[ platform ][ 'global_build_call' ]
build_call = build_call + buildEnvironment[ platform ][ 'configs' ].replace("??", buildType)
build_call = build_call + buildEnvironment[ platform ][ 'parallel_option' ].replace("??", parallel)
- print("build call = " + build_call)
+ print(("build call = " + build_call))
subprocess.check_call(build_call, shell = True)
def Main():