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# vaapidevice - VA-API Output Device
# -a device audio device (fe. alsa: hw:0,0 oss: /dev/dsp)
# -p device audio device for pass-through (hw:0,1 or /dev/dsp1)
# -c channel audio mixer channel name (fe. PCM)
# -d display display of x11 server (fe. :0.0)
# -f start with fullscreen window (only with window manager)
# -g geometry x11 window geometry wxh+x+y
# -t tracemode set the trace mode for debugging
# -v device video driver device (vaapi, noop)
# -s start in suspended mode
# -x start x11 server, with -xx try to connect, if this fails
# -X args X11 server arguments (f.e. -nocursor)
# -D start in detached mode
# -w workaround enable/disable workarounds
# no-hw-decoder disable hw decoder, use software decoder only
# no-mpeg-hw-decoder disable hw decoder for mpeg only
# still-hw-decoder enable hardware decoder for still-pictures
# still-h264-hw-decoder enable h264 hw decoder for still-pictures
# alsa-driver-broken disable broken alsa driver message
# alsa-no-close-open disable close open to fix alsa no sound bug
# alsa-close-open-delay enable close open delay to fix no sound bug
# ignore-repeat-pict disable repeat pict message
# no default parameters
# uncomment the next line and add your personal settings