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/sys/module/amdgpu instead of lsmod for builtin amdgpu kernel module
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1035,14 +1035,15 @@ AcquireAndDisplayAgentInfo(hsa_agent_t agent, void* data) {
int CheckInitialState(void) {
// Check kernel module for ROCk is loaded
- FILE *fd = popen("lsmod | grep amdgpu", "r");
- char buf[16];
- if (fread (buf, 1, sizeof (buf), fd) <= 0) {
+ int module_dir;
+ module_dir = open("/sys/module/amdgpu", O_DIRECTORY);
+ if (module_dir < 0) {
printf("%sROCk module is NOT loaded, possibly no GPU devices%s\n",
return -1;
} else {
printf("%sROCk module is loaded%s\n", COL_WHT, COL_RESET);
+ close(module_dir);
// Check if user belongs to the group for /dev/kfd (e.g. "video" or