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move net-libs/libkpeople kde-frameworks/kpeople
move dev-libs/uchardet app-i18n/uchardet
move net-libs/libkgapi kde-apps/libkgapi
slotmove =dev-ruby/typhoeus-1.1.2 0 1
move app-cdr/k3b kde-apps/k3b
move net-misc/libreswan net-vpn/libreswan
move net-misc/logmein-hamachi net-vpn/logmein-hamachi
move net-misc/openconnect net-vpn/openconnect
move net-misc/openfortivpn net-vpn/openfortivpn
move net-misc/openvpn net-vpn/openvpn
move net-misc/strongswan net-vpn/strongswan
move net-misc/tinc net-vpn/tinc
move net-misc/vpnc net-vpn/vpnc
move net-misc/vpncwatch net-vpn/vpncwatch
move net-misc/vtun net-vpn/vtun
move net-misc/isatapd net-vpn/isatapd
move net-misc/iodine net-vpn/iodine
move net-misc/corkscrew net-vpn/corkscrew
move net-misc/httptunnel net-vpn/httptunnel
move net-misc/nstx net-vpn/nstx
move net-misc/6tunnel net-vpn/6tunnel
move net-misc/i2pd net-vpn/i2pd
move net-misc/tor net-vpn/tor
move net-p2p/i2p net-vpn/i2p
move net-libs/rb_libtorrent net-libs/libtorrent-rasterbar
move dev-perl/gtk2-perl dev-perl/Gtk2
move dev-haskell/hdbc-sqlite dev-haskell/hdbc-sqlite3
move net-dialup/pptpd net-vpn/pptpd