You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1486 lines
31 KiB

% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% Main part.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% max command line length
/cmdlinelength 512 def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% Install source is 64bit?
% ( ) ==> ( true|false )
/64bit_source {
% 64 bit dir exists and is != 32 bit dir
64bit_boot_dir 32bit_boot_dir ne
64bit_boot_dir .undef ne and
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% Are we a dvd?
% ( ) ==> ( true|false )
/is_dvd {
% check only once
is_dvd.result .undef ne { is_dvd.result return } if
mediatype m_cdrom eq {
0x10 readsector
dup 0x50 add getdword exch free
9 shr % iso size in MB
720 gt % assume dvd if > 720 MB
} {
} ifelse
is_dvd.result return
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% Are we a live image?
% ( ) ==> ( true|false )
/is_live {
% check only once
is_live.result .undef ne { is_live.result return } if
/is_live.result "/casper/filesystem.manifest" filesize .undef ne def
is_live.result return
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% Install source is 32 & 64bit?
% ( ) ==> ( true|false )
/32+64bit_source {
32bit_boot_dir .undef ne
% uncomment next line to automatically warn about 32bit software on 64bit machines, too
% 64bit_boot_dir .undef ne and
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% Enough memory?
% ( ) ==> ( true|false )
/enough_mem {
biosmem 4 20 shl lt
biosmem 200 20 shl ge or
syslinux not or
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% Check if there are boot directories for 32 & 64bit.
% Assumes 32bit to be in *i386* and 64bit in *x86_64*.
% ( ) ==> ( )
/check_arch_boot_dir {
getcwd dup .undef ne {
/64bit.tmp 256 string def
dup "i386" strstr 0 ne over "x86_64" strstr 0 ne or {
dup "i386" strstr {
/32bit_boot_dir exch def
/64bit_boot_dir 32bit_boot_dir "i386" "x86_64" strreplace
} {
/64bit_boot_dir exch def
/32bit_boot_dir 64bit_boot_dir "x86_64" "i386" strreplace
} ifelse
dup "%s/isolinux.cfg" 64bit.tmp sprintf
64bit.tmp filesize .undef ne { def } { free pop } ifelse
} {
/32bit_boot_dir over def
/64bit_boot_dir exch def
} ifelse
64bit.tmp free
% font.normal setfont
% 0 400 moveto 32bit_boot_dir print
% 0 420 moveto 64bit_boot_dir print dtrace
} {
} ifelse
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% input event handling
% ( key ) ==> ( input_buffer menu_entry action )
% key
% bit 0-7 ascii
% bit 8-15 scan code
% bit 16-32 status bits (ctrl, shift...)
% action
% 0: ok, stay in input loop
% 1: switch to text mode
% >=2: start linux
/KeyEvent {
% timeout
dup 0 eq { boot.buf buildcmdline 2 return } if
debug 4 ge {
% print keycode somewhere
-1 settransparentcolor
white setcolor
500 0 moveto dup print " " print
} if
dup 0xff00 and 16 shl over 0xff and dup 0xe0 eq { pop 0 } if add /key exch def
16 shr 0xffff and /keystat exch def
key keyTab eq keyStatus statusShift and 0 ne and {
/key keyShiftTab def
} if
config.keymap get { mapkey } if
dup 0xffffff and dup { exch } if pop
debug 4 ge {
% print mapped key somewhere
-1 settransparentcolor
white setcolor
500 20 moveto dup print " " print
} if
% some special keys
% put key through normal input queue
window.action actExit eq {
/window.action actNothing def
"" -1 1 return
} if
window.action actCloseInfo eq {
/window.action actNothing def
"" -1 3 return
} if
window.action actPassword eq {
/window.action actNothing def
password.dialog {
password.dialog .ed.buffer.list get 0 get
} { "" } ifelse
-1 3 return
} if
window.action actStart eq {
/window.action actNothing def
boot.buf buildcmdline 2 return
} if
window.action actRedraw eq {
/window.action actNothing def
} if
window.action actRedrawPanel eq {
/window.action actNothing def
} if
window.action actInstallOK eq {
/window.action actNothing def
} if
window.action actInstallCancel eq {
/window.action actNothing def
} if
boot.buf menu.entry 0
} def
/bc.cmd cmdlinelength string def
% ( option_string ) ==> ( cmdline menu_entry )
% grub:
% just return
% syslinux & lilo:
% check if the commmand line starts with the current kernel name or
% "linux"; if not, put the kernel name in front of the command line. (This
% is to keep compatibility with the old scheme requiring the user to write
% the kernel name explicitly.)
/buildcmdline {
menu.entry 0 lt { -1 return } if
menu.entry menu.texts length ge { -1 return } if
/bc.opts exch def
/bc.kernel menu.texts menu.entry get def
grub {
/bc.addkernel false def
} {
/bc.addkernel true def
[ bc.kernel "linux" ] 0 over length 1 sub 1 exch {
over exch get
bc.opts over eq {
/bc.addkernel false def
} {
bc.opts over strstr 1 eq {
bc.opts over length get ' ' eq {
/bc.addkernel false def
} if
} if
} ifelse
bc.addkernel not { exit } if
} for
% special case: option is identical to label
bc.kernel "apic" eq { /bc.addkernel true def } if
} ifelse
syslinux {
/add_suffix .undef def
% set new working directory
xmenu.bits .xm_current get 1 eq { 64bit_boot_dir } { 32bit_boot_dir } ifelse
dup .undef ne {
dup getcwd ne { chdir } { pop } ifelse
} {
} ifelse
} if
% getcwd 0 300 moveto show trace
bc.addkernel {
dup "linux" eq add_suffix .undef ne and {
add_suffix exch "%s%s "
} {
"%s "
} ifelse
bc.cmd sprintf
} {
bc.cmd 0 0 put
} ifelse
cmdline.hidden "" ne {
/add_suffix 32 string def
video.modes.list .xm_current get get
dup .vm_mode get 0 ge {
dup .vm_height get exch .vm_width get
",%04d%04d.spl" add_suffix sprintf
} { pop } ifelse
% find out splash size for kernel loading progress bar
add_suffix 1 add filesize dup .undef ne {
sectorsize 1 sub add sectorsize div /progress_extra exch def
} {
add_suffix 0 0 put % empty string
} ifelse
add_suffix {
/bc.tmp cmdline.hidden length add_suffix length add string def
cmdline.hidden "initrd" bootopt.find dup .undef ne {
dup 0 get over 0 0 put
add_suffix cmdline.hidden "%s%s" bc.tmp sprintf
0 exch put
"%s" bc.tmp dup length add sprintf
} {
bc.tmp cmdline.hidden strcpy pop
} ifelse
bc.tmp "%s " bc.cmd dup length add sprintf
bc.tmp free /bc.tmp .undef def
} {
cmdline.hidden "%s " bc.cmd dup length add sprintf
} ifelse
% find out initrd size for kernel loading progress bar
"initrd" filesize dup .undef ne {
sectorsize 1 sub add sectorsize div /progress_extra exch progress_extra add def
} {
} ifelse
} if
xmenu.dimode {
dimode.option .undef ne {
dimode.option "%s " bc.cmd dup length add sprintf
} if
} if
bc.opts "%s " bc.cmd dup length add sprintf
syslinux {
video.modes.list .xm_current get get .vm_mode get
dup 0 ge {
0x200 add "vga=0x%x " bc.cmd dup length add sprintf
} if
config.lang {
config.lang "en" ne {
config.lang lang.getlocale "locale=%s " bc.cmd dup length add sprintf
} if
} if
config.keymap get dup "us" ne {
"kbd-chooser/method=%s " bc.cmd dup length add sprintf
} {
} ifelse
} if
xmenu.access {
access.option .undef ne {
access.option "%s " bc.cmd dup length add sprintf
} if
} if
xmenu.profile {
profile.options xmenu.profile .xm_current get get dup "" ne {
"%s " bc.cmd dup length add sprintf
} { pop } ifelse
} if
xmenu.install {
install.option "" ne {
install.option "%s " bc.cmd dup length add sprintf
} if
} if
bc.cmd dropspaces
debug 3 ge {
0 0 moveto white setcolor
bc.cmd print "<< (press ESC) " print trace
} if
bc.cmd menu.entry
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% ( menu_entries_array cmdline_args_array defaultentry ) == > ( )
/MenuInit {
colorbits 8 le {
0 setcolor 0 0 moveto screen.size fillrect loadpalette
} if
/menu.entry -1 def
/menu.dentry exch def
/menu.args exch def
/menu.texts exch def
/menu.humans exch def
dup window.init
% fadein_logo
32+64bit_source not {
64bit {
64bit_source not { notimeout 32bit_popup } if
} {
64bit_source { notimeout 64bit_popup } if
} ifelse
} if
50 sound.setvolume
"startup.mod" findfile dup .undef ne {
/player.startup 0 def
player.startup over mod.load
player.startup 0
} { pop } ifelse
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% Setup boot option input field.
% ( ) == > ( )
/bootoptions.init {
window.current .color.fg get setcolor
window.current .ed.font get setfont
boot.ed edit.hidecursor
menu.args menu.entry get
bootpromptmap {
boot.ed over edit.init
"" ne { boot.ed ' ' edit.input } if
} {
"%s" boot.ed 3 get sprintf
} ifelse
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% Split command line into hidden and normal part.
% ( cmdline_args ) == > ( new_cmdline_args )
/bootpromptmap {
/cmdline exch def
cmdline "showopts" getoption
dup "" eq {
cmdline.shown 0 0 put
pop cmdline "%s" cmdline.shown sprintf
cmdline.hidden 0 0 put
} {
"showopts" length add skipspaces
"%s" cmdline.shown sprintf
cmdline "%s" cmdline.hidden sprintf
cmdline.hidden "showopts" getoption 0 0 put
} ifelse
cmdline.shown dropspaces
cmdline.hidden dropspaces
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% Get boot option.
% ( cmdline option_name ) ==> ( option_start )
/getoption {
/ exch def
/go.cmdline exch def
/go.pos 0 def
go.cmdline go.pos add strstr dup {
1 sub /go.pos exch def
go.cmdline go.pos iswordboundary
go.cmdline go.pos length add iswordboundary
and {
go.cmdline go.pos add exit
} {
/go.pos go.pos 1 add def
} ifelse
} {
pop "" exit
} ifelse
} loop
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/redrawmenu {
menu.visible.entries menu.texts length lt menu.scrollbar and {
menu.shift mul menu.texts length div
menu.texts length menu.visible.entries menu.shift add sub mul menu.texts length div
lightgray setcolor menu.vsb.height1 add moveto menu.vsb.height1 menu.vsb.height3 add sub
menu.vsb.height1 0 ne { moveto
currentpoint menu.vsb.height1 image
} if
menu.vsb.height3 0 ne { menu.vsb.height3 sub add moveto
currentpoint menu.vsb.height3 image
} if
} if
menu.text.normal setcolor
/x menu.start.x def
/y menu.start.y def
0 1 menu.visible.entries 1 sub {
x y moveto currentpoint image
x menu.text.xofs add y menu.text.yofs add moveto
menu.texts exch menu.shift add get menuitemmap
currentfont exch font.large setfont show setfont
/y y menu.item.height add def
} for
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% ( entry status ) ==> ( )
% status:
% false not selected
% true selected
/MenuSelect {
/menu.status exch def
/menu.idx over def
menu.shift sub
menu.item.height mul menu.start.y add
menu.start.x exch
menu.status { setcolor
70 settransparency
} {
currentpoint image
} ifelse
menu.text.xofs menu.text.yofs rmoveto
menu.status {
} {
} ifelse
menu.texts menu.idx get menuitemmap
currentfont exch font.large setfont show setfont
menu.status {
% init boot options
keepbootoptions .undef eq { bootoptions.init } if
% set help context
"main" help.setcontext
menu.texts menu.idx get
dup help.findpage "" eq {
} {
} ifelse
} if
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% ( text errorcode ) ==> ( )
% errorcode:
% 0 normal info
% 1 fatal error
% 2 missing kernel
% 3 disk change
% 4 disk change failed
/info.tmpmsg 127 string def
/InfoBoxInit {
/info.type exch def
/info.msg exch def
info.type 1 eq {
dup red put
dup .title txt_error_title put
dup .buttons
button.reboot button.default actCloseInfo button.setaction
] put
} {
dup .title txt_info_title put
dup .buttons
button.ok button.default actCloseInfo button.setaction
% button.cancel button.notdefault actCloseInfo button.setaction
] put
} ifelse
syslinux info.type 3 eq and {
dup .title txt_change_disk_title put
0 getinfo 1 add txt_insert_disk info.tmpmsg sprintf
/info.msg info.tmpmsg def
} if
syslinux info.type 4 eq and {
dup .title txt_change_disk_title put
1 getinfo 15 not and {
0 getinfo 1 add
txt_insert_disk3 info.tmpmsg sprintf
} {
0 getinfo 1 add 1 getinfo 1 add
txt_insert_disk2 info.tmpmsg sprintf
} ifelse
/info.msg info.tmpmsg def
} if
dup .text info.msg put
dup window.init
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% progress bar code
% Show percentage of progress bar.
% ( percentage ) ==> ( )
/progress.percent {
0 max 100 min % so people don't ask silly questions...
"100%" strsize over neg progress.text.x add progress.text.y moveto
window.current get setcolor
"%3u%%" 8 dup string dup 5 1 roll snprintf
dup strsize pop neg progress.text.x add progress.text.y moveto
window.current .color.fg get setcolor
dup show
} def
% Show n-th progress bar symbol.
% ( n ) ==> ( )
/ {
/progress.sym.current exch def moveto
progress.sym.width progress.sym.current 1 sub mul 1 add 1 rmoveto
progress.sym.width 2 sub 2 sub
loading_color setcolor
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% ( kernel_name ) ==> ( )
/ProgressInit {
/progress.kname exch def
boot.ed edit.hidecursor
/dia window.dialog def
dia .width.min 330 put
dia .position 10 put
dia .title txt_load_kernel_title put
dia .text
progress.kname "memtest" eq {
} {
} ifelse
dia window.init
% now add progress bar
dia .x get dia .y get moveto
dia .text.x get dia .text.y get 28 add rmoveto
/ 19 def
/ dia .width get 60 sub def
/progress.sym.width 10 def
/ progress.sym.width div
/progress.syms over def progress.sym.width mul
currentpoint over 1 sub over 2 sub moveto
black white 2 add 4 add drawborder
/ exch def
/ exch def
/progress.text.x 37 add add def
/progress.text.y fontheight sub 2 div add def
/progress.sym.current 0 def
0 progress.percent
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% ( ) ==> ( )
/ProgressDone {
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% ( max current ) ==> ( )
% Note: max is just kernel size (in sectors).
/ProgressUpdate {
exch progress_extra add exch
over over 100 mul exch 1 max div progress.percent
progress.syms mul progress.syms 2 div add exch 1 max div
0 max progress.syms min
dup progress.sym.current gt {
progress.sym.current 1 add over 1 exch {
} for
} if
} def
% initrd size (in sectors)
/progress_extra 0 def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% ( time ) ==> ( )
% /Timer { pop } def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% ( label correct_password ) ==> ( )
/PasswordInit {
/password.key exch def pop
/dia window.dialog def
/password.dialog dia def
dia .title txt_password_title put
dia .text "" put
% Must all be of same size!
dia .ed.list 1 array put
dia .ed.buffer.list [ 31 string ] put
dia .ed.text.list [ txt_password ] put
dia .ed.focus 0 put
dia .ed.width 200 put
dia .ed.font font.normal pwmode put
dia .buttons
[ button.ok button.default actPassword button.setaction ]
dia window.init
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% ( password ) ==> ( error )
% error:
% true password ok
% false wrong password
% ****** FIXME: test result seems to be unused
/PasswordDone {
password.key eq
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% ( text ) == > ( new_text )
% If text is in menu.texts (it should be), return the corresponding item
% from menu.humans. Otherwise, return text as-is.
/menuitemmap {
0 menu.texts {
2 index eq { menu.humans over get exch exit } if
1 add
} forall pop
% Remove ^ from the string; eventually, this should define hotkeys, but it
% doesn't yet.
dup length string /menuitemmap.text exch def
/menuitemmap.idx 0 def
dup '^' ne {
menuitemmap.text menuitemmap.idx rot put
/menuitemmap.idx inc
} { pop } ifelse
} forall
menuitemmap.text menuitemmap.idx 0 put
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% ( color0 color1 width height ) ==> ( )
/drawborder {
currentpoint /db.y0 exch def /db.x0 exch def
/db.y1 exch 1 sub db.y0 add def
/db.x1 exch 1 sub db.x0 add def
/db.col1 exch def
/db.col0 exch def
db.x0 db.y1 moveto
db.col0 setcolor
db.x0 db.y0 lineto db.x1 db.y0 lineto
db.col1 setcolor
db.x1 db.y1 lineto db.x0 db.y1 lineto
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% ( color0 color1 color2 width height ) ==> ( )
% draw frame with shadow
% color0: upper left, color1: lower right, color2: shadow
/drawborder3 {
currentpoint /db.y0 exch def /db.x0 exch def
/db.y1 exch 1 sub db.y0 add def
/db.x1 exch 1 sub db.x0 add def
/db.col2 exch def
/db.col1 exch def
/db.col0 exch def
db.x0 db.y1 moveto
db.col0 setcolor
db.x0 db.y0 lineto db.x1 db.y0 lineto
db.col1 setcolor
db.x1 db.y1 lineto db.x0 db.y1 lineto
db.col2 -1 ne {
db.col2 setcolor
1 1 rmoveto
db.x1 1 add db.y1 1 add lineto
db.x1 1 add db.y0 1 add lineto
} if
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% ( color0 color1 width height ) ==> ( )
/drawborder4 {
3 index 4 1 roll rot dup 3 index 3 index
currentpoint 6 2 roll
1 1 rmoveto drawborder
moveto drawborder
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% center text
% ( text width height ) ==> ( )
/centertext {
3 -1 roll strsize
4 2 roll
4 1 roll exch 4 1 roll sub 2 div neg 3 1 roll sub 2 div neg
} def
/fadeout_logo {
/cols 256 malloc def
0 1 255 { cols exch 0 put } for
10 1 150 {
10 1 100 {
over exch moveto getpixel
cols exch 1 put
} for
} for
cols 10 10 moveto getpixel 0 fade
} def
/fadein_logo {
cols 10 10 moveto getpixel fadein
} def
% Allocate and define a new color.
% ( palette ) ==> ( color )
/newcolor {
colorbits 8 le {
newcolor.count .undef eq { /newcolor.count 0 def } if
max_image_colors newcolor.count add
dup rot setpalette
/newcolor.count newcolor.count 1 add def
} if
} def
% ( img ) => ( width heigh )
/imgsize {
dup .undef eq {
pop 0 0
} {
getdword dup
0xffff and exch 16 shr
} ifelse
} def
% ( pic pic_a -- )
/showlogo {
/ over imgsize savescreen def
currentpoint 4 2 roll
0 0 moveto blend
moveto restorescreen free
} def
% ( file_name ) ==> ( image )
/readimage {
findfile dup setimage 0 0 image.size unpackimage exch free
} def
/init {
0 0 moveto currentpoint clip.size image
small_layout {
/head.x 70 def
/head.y 141 def
} {
/head.x 234 def
/head.y 185 def
} ifelse
% set default language
"lang" findfile dup {
/tmp over length 1 add 2 max string def
tmp exch {
dup ' ' eq over '\n' eq or { pop pop exit } if
over exch 0 exch put
1 add
} forall
true lang.defaultnames {
.la.language get tmp eq { pop false exit } if
} forall {
% If we don't know about this locale, then try the short locale name.
tmp 2 0 put
} if
tmp dup setlang pop setkeymap
} {
"en" dup setlang pop setkeymap
} ifelse
font.large setfont
/menu.text.xofs 10 def
/menu.text.yofs 2 def
/menu.item.height fontheight dup 3 div add def
/ fontheight menu.text.yofs dup add add def
font.normal setfont
/menu.text.normal lightblue def
/ white def
/boot.text.options white def
/boot.text.normal white def
/ lightgray def
/infobox.text.normal black def
/ black def
small_layout {
/frame1.pos { 190 208 } def
/frame1.size { 365 160 } def
} {
/frame1.pos { 265 288 } def
/frame1.size { 365 170 } def
} ifelse
/frame4.pos { 560 62 } def
/frame4.size { 22 264 } def
/menu.start.x frame1.pos pop 10 add def
/menu.start.y frame1.pos exch pop 12 add def
/ frame1.size pop 20 sub def
/menu.max.entries 8 def
/menu.scrollbar false def
/boot.label.len 243 def
/boot.pos { boot.label.len 10 add small_layout { 410 } { 510 } ifelse } def
/boot.buf.size cmdlinelength def
/boot.buf boot.buf.size string def
% no boot options line initially
/ false def
/ms.size { 22 22 } def
/ms.up { 0 480 } def
/ms.down { 23 480 } def
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% Some special debug & test keys.
% ( key_in ) ==> ( key_out )
/debug.input {
dup keyShiftF4 eq debug 3 ge and {
currentcolor white setcolor
currentpoint 0 0 moveto
64 string biosmem "mem = %u " 2 index sprintf dup show free
moveto setcolor
pop 0
} if
dup keyShiftF3 eq syslinux and debug 3 ge and {
currentcolor white setcolor
currentpoint 0 0 moveto
"eject " print bootdrive eject print
moveto setcolor
pop 0
} if
dup keyShiftF5 eq syslinux and debug 3 ge and {
currentcolor white setcolor
currentpoint 100 0 moveto
bootdrive print
moveto setcolor
pop 0
} if
dup keyShiftF8 eq debug 3 ge and {
currentcolor white setcolor
currentpoint 300 0 moveto
0 memsize print "/" print print " " print
currentpoint 300 20 moveto
1 memsize print "/" print print " " print
currentpoint 300 40 moveto
2 memsize print "/" print print " " print
pop 0
} if
dup keyShiftF9 eq debug 3 ge and {
pop 0
} if
dup keyShiftF10 eq {
/debug debug 1 add def ""
pop 0
} if
dup keyShiftF11 eq {
/transp transp 0x10 sub 0 max def
pop 0
} if
dup keyF11 eq debug 1 ge and {
0 1 screen.size exch pop {
0 1 screen.size pop {
over moveto
currentpoint 8 shl screen.size exch pop div 8 shl exch 8 shl screen.size pop div add
screen.size add currentpoint add sub 8 shl screen.size add div 2 div 16 shl add
} for
} for
pop 0
} if
dup keyF12 eq debug 3 ge and {
% mouse support testing
1 keepmode
/mouse xxx def
red setcolor
mouse .undef eq {
700 580 moveto "no mouse" show
} {
mouse getdword 16 shl 16 shr screen.size pop 2 div add
mouse getdword 16 shr neg screen.size exch pop 2 div add
moveto 4 4 fillrect
mouse 4 add getdword 7 and
dup 1 and { red setcolor } if
dup 2 and { blue setcolor } if
dup 4 and { green setcolor } if
3 and 3 eq { exit } if
} loop
} ifelse
pop 0
} if
dup keyShiftF12 eq {
/transp transp 0x10 add 0x100 min def
pop 0
} if
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% Show exit popup.
% ( ) ==> ( )
/exit_popup {
dup .title txt_exit_title put
dup .text txt_exit_dialog put
dup .buttons [
button.ok button.default actExit button.setaction
button.cancel button.notdefault actNothing button.setaction
] put
dup window.init
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% Show help window.
% ( ) ==> ( )
/show_help {
dup window.init
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% Show dvd popup.
% ( ) ==> ( )
/dvd_popup {
dup .title txt_dvd_warning_title put
dup .text txt_dvd_warning2 put
dup .buttons [
% button.eject button.default actEject actNoClose or button.setaction
button.continue button.default actNothing button.setaction
] put
dup window.init
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% Warn that we are about to install 32bit software on a 64bit system.
% ( ) ==> ( )
/32bit_popup {
dup .title "Cool computer, but..." put
dup .text "You are about to install 32-bit software on a 64-bit computer." put
dup .buttons [
button.continue button.default actNothing button.setaction
] put
dup window.init
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% Warn that we are about to install 64bit software on a 32bit system.
% ( ) ==> ( )
/64bit_popup {
dup .title "Cool software, but..." put
dup .text "This is a 32-bit computer. You cannot use 64-bit software on it." put
dup .buttons [
button.reboot button.default actReboot actNoClose or button.setaction
] put
dup window.init
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% Warn that we don't have enough memory.
% ( ) ==> ( )
/nomem_popup {
dup .title "Cool computer, but..." put
dup .text
"Sorry, but SUSE Linux 10.1 LiveCD needs at least 256MB main memory."
dup .buttons [
button.reboot button.default actReboot actNoClose or button.setaction
] put
dup window.init
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% Show "power off" popup.
% ( ) ==> ( )
/power_off {
dup .title txt_power_off_title put
dup .text txt_power_off put
dup .buttons [
button.ok button.notdefault actPowerOff actNoClose or button.setaction
button.cancel button.default actNothing button.setaction
] put
dup window.init
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% Search for option in cmdline.
% Returns .undef if not found.
% ( cmdline option_name ) ==> ( option_start )
/bootopt.find {
/bo.opt exch def
/bo.cmdline exch def
bo.cmdline bo.opt strstr
dup {
dup 1 eq {
} {
dup 2 sub bo.cmdline exch get ' ' eq
} ifelse
bo.cmdline over bo.opt length add 1 sub get
dup '=' eq
over ' ' eq or
exch 0 eq or
} {
} ifelse
bo.cmdline rot add exch
1 sub exit
} {
/bo.cmdline exch def
} ifelse
} {
.undef exit
} ifelse
} loop
} def
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% Global variables.
/transp 0 def
640 480 16 findmode setmode not {
640 480 32 findmode setmode not {
640 400 4 findmode setmode not {
false .end
} if
} if
} if
% /with_transp vscreen.size exch pop screen.size exch pop div 1 gt colorbits 8 gt and def
/clip.size { screen.size } def
/small_layout screen.size pop 640 eq def
"splash.pcx" findfile
dup .undef eq { pop "back.jpg" findfile } if
/background.file over def setimage loadpalette
/max_image_colors image.colors def
% 7 dup 0xffffff setpalette setcolor
% color & font definitions must be global
/black 0x000000 newcolor
/white 0xffffff newcolor
/blue 0x0000a0 newcolor
/red 0xc00000 newcolor
/green 0x009000 newcolor
/yellow 0xffff20 newcolor
/lightgray 0xd8deed newcolor
/dotcolor 0xa9bbcd newcolor
/lightdotcolor 0xeff2f6 newcolor
/somegreen 0x78a424 newcolor
/lightblue 0x7da3d1 def
%% include
/font.normal "16x16.fnt" findfile def
/font.large font.normal def
/cmdline.hidden cmdlinelength string def
/cmdline.shown cmdlinelength string def
/debug 0 def