#! /usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use File::Find; do "/usr/share/console-setup/KeyboardNames.pl" or die "can't load /usr/share/console-setup/KeyboardNames.pl"; # Horrible hardcoded mess for now; please keep this in the same order as in # console-setup/debian/config.proto. The values are substrings since that # seems to be simplest to handle in gfxboot-ese. my %keymap_locales = ( 'al' => '_AL', 'az' => '_AZ', 'bd' => '_BD', 'be' => '_BE', 'bg' => '_BG', 'br' => '_BR', 'by' => '_BY', 'ca' => '_CA', 'ch_fr' => 'fr_CH', 'ch' => '_CH', 'cz' => '_CZ', 'dk' => '_DK', 'ee' => '_EE', 'es_ast' => 'ast_ES', 'es_cat' => 'ca_ES', 'es' => '_ES', 'fi_smi' => 'se_FI', 'fi' => '_FI', 'gb' => '_GB', 'hu' => '_HU', 'ie' => '_IE', 'il' => '_IL', 'ir' => '_IR', 'is' => '_IS', 'it' => '_IT', 'jp' => '_JP', 'lt' => '_LT', 'lv' => '_LV', 'ma' => '_MA', 'mk' => '_MK', 'mn' => '_MN', 'mt' => '_MT', 'no_smi' => 'se_NO', 'no' => '_NO', 'pl' => '_PL', 'pt' => '_PT', 'ro' => '_RO', 'ru' => '_RU', 'se_smi' => 'se_SE', 'sk' => '_SK', 'si' => '_SI', 'tj' => '_TJ', 'th' => '_TH', 'tr_ku' => 'ku_TR', 'tr' => '_TR', 'ua' => '_UA', 'us' => ['en_US', '_VN'], 'us_intl' => '_NL', 'latam' => ['_AR', '_BO', '_CL', '_CO', '_CR', '_DO', '_EC', '_GT', '_HN', '_MX', '_NI', '_PA', '_PE', 'es_PR', '_PY', '_SV', 'es_US', '_UY', '_VE'], 'ara' => 'ar_', 'ba' => 'bs_', 'de' => 'de_', 'gr' => 'el_', 'epo' => 'eo', # lack of trailing underscore is deliberate 'fr_oss' => 'fr_', 'in_guj' => 'gu_', 'in' => 'hi_', 'hr' => 'hr_', 'am' => 'hy_', 'ge' => 'ka_', 'in_kan' => 'kn_', 'la' => 'lo_', 'in_mal' => 'ml_', 'in_guru' => 'pa_', 'me' => 'sr_ME', 'rs' => 'sr_', 'se' => 'sv_', 'in_tam' => 'ta_', 'in_tel' => 'te_', 'cn' => 'zh_CN', ); # Non-top-level layouts to put on the menu. my @show_variants = ( 'ch_fr', 'es_ast', 'es_cat', 'fr_oss', 'tr_f', 'us_dvorak', ); # Exclude these keymaps. my @exclude_keymaps = ( 'brai', 'braille', 'fr', 'nec/jp', 'nec_vndr/jp', ); # Manual descriptions to make the list a bit narrower, thereby avoiding # overflowing the screen. my %description_overrides = ( 'ba' => 'Bosnia', 'cd' => 'Congo', 'ch_fr' => 'Swiss French', 'ch' => 'Swiss German', 'es_ast' => 'Asturian', 'es_cat' => 'Catalan', 'fi_smi' => 'Saami (Fin.)', 'fo' => 'Faroes', 'fr_oss' => 'France', 'gb' => 'UK', 'in_guj' => 'Gujarati', 'in_guru' => 'Gurmukhi', 'in_kan' => 'Kannada', 'in_mal' => 'Malayalam', 'in_tam' => 'Tamil', 'in_tel' => 'Telugu', 'kr' => 'Korea', 'latam' => 'Latin Amer.', 'no_smi' => 'Saami (Nor.)', 'se_smi' => 'Saami (Swe.)', 'tr_f' => 'Turkey (F)', 'tr_ku' => 'Kurdish', 'us_dvorak' => 'Dvorak', 'us_intl' => 'USA Intl.', ); # These keymaps are non-Latin, which isn't very useful in gfxboot, so map # them to US instead. my @non_latin = ( 'am', 'ara', 'ben', 'bd', 'bg', 'bt', 'by', 'deva', 'ge', 'gh', 'gr', 'guj', 'guru', 'il', 'in', 'ir', 'iku', 'kan', 'kh', 'kz', 'la', 'lao', 'lk', 'lt', 'mk', 'mm', 'mn', 'mv', 'mal', 'ori', 'pk', 'ru', 'scc', 'sy', 'syr', 'tel', 'th', 'tj', 'tam', 'ua', 'uz', ); # Some keymaps require unusual models for extra keys. my %unusual_models = ( 'br' => 'abnt2', 'jp' => 'jp106', ); binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; print < 'keyIns', 0x01 => 'keyEnd', 0x02 => 'keyDown', 0x03 => 'keyPgDown', 0x04 => 'keyLeft', 0x06 => 'keyRight', 0x07 => 'keyHome', 0x08 => 'keyUp', 0x09 => 'keyPgUp', 0x10 => 'keyDel', ); my %spec_map = ( 0x01 => 'keyEnter', ); sub map_keycode ($) { my $type = ($_[0] >> 8) & 0xff; my $code = $_[0] & 0xff; if ($type == 0x00 or $type == 0x0b or $type == 0xf0 or $type == 0xfb) { # KT_LATIN or KT_LETTER if ($code == 0x08 or $code == 0x7f) { # Backspace vs. Delete is a tricky case. gfxboot understands # both (0x08 for delete-left, keyDel for delete-right), so we # should map 0x7f to KeyDel. Unfortunately many keymaps only # appear to define Delete, and the situation in console-data # seems to be quite confused. Accordingly, we just ignore both # and let gfxboot work it out for itself, which seems to work # better. return '0x00'; } else { return sprintf '0x%02x', $code; } } elsif ($type == 0xf2) { # KT_SPEC return $spec_map{$code} if exists $spec_map{$code}; } elsif ($type == 0xf3) { # KT_PAD return $pad_map{$code} if exists $pad_map{$code}; } return '0x00'; } # Flip KeyboardNames structures into more useful formats. my %layouts; my %variants; for my $layout (keys %KeyboardNames::layouts) { my $name = $KeyboardNames::layouts{$layout}; $layouts{$name} = $layout; for my $variant (keys %{$KeyboardNames::variants{$name}}) { my $variantname = $KeyboardNames::variants{$name}{$variant}; $variants{$name}{$variantname} = $variant; } } my %keymaps = map { $_ => 1 } (keys %layouts, keys %keymap_locales, @show_variants); delete $keymaps{$_} for @exclude_keymaps; my @keymaps = sort keys %keymaps; my %keycodes; for my $keymap (@keymaps) { my ($layout, $variant, $model); if ($keymap =~ /(.+)_(.+)/) { $layout = $1; $variant = $2; } else { $layout = $keymap; undef $variant; } if (exists $unusual_models{$layout}) { $model = $unusual_models{$layout}; } else { $model = 'pc105'; } my $ckbcomp = "ckbcomp -model $model -layout \Q$layout\E"; $ckbcomp .= " -variant \Q$variant\E" if defined $variant; my $table = `$ckbcomp | sudo loadkeys -mu 2>/dev/null`; for my $map (qw(plain shift altgr)) { if ($table =~ /${map}_map\[[^]]*\] = {\s*(.*?)(?:\s|,)*}/s) { $keycodes{$keymap}{$map} = [map { map_keycode(hex) } split(/,\s+/, $1)]; } else { $keycodes{$keymap}{$map} = [('0x00') x 128]; } } } for my $keymap (@non_latin) { $keycodes{$keymap} = $keycodes{us}; } my %keymapfunc; for my $keymap (@keymaps) { my $found = 0; for my $index (0 .. 127) { # Never map keys that are special when unshifted; this caused # problems for the French keymap, and made it difficult in general # to get out of a keymap you selected by accident. if ($keycodes{us}{plain}[$index] =~ /^key/) { next; } my $plain = $keycodes{$keymap}{plain}[$index]; my $shift = $keycodes{$keymap}{shift}[$index]; my $altgr = $keycodes{$keymap}{altgr}[$index]; if ($plain eq $keycodes{us}{plain}[$index] and $shift eq $keycodes{us}{shift}[$index] and $altgr eq $keycodes{us}{altgr}[$index]) { # The PC105 less than / greater than key isn't necessarily # mapped correctly by the BIOS. if ($index != 86) { next; } } if (($plain ne '0x00') or ($shift ne '0x00') or ($altgr ne '0x00')) { print "/keymap.$keymap [\n" unless $found; $found = 1; my $hexindex = sprintf '0x%02x', $index; print " [ $hexindex $plain $shift $altgr ]\n"; } } if ($found) { $keymapfunc{$keymap} = "keymap.$keymap"; } else { $keymapfunc{$keymap} = '.undef'; } print "] def\n\n" if $found; } my %descriptions; for my $keymap (@keymaps) { my $desc; if (exists $description_overrides{$keymap}) { $desc = $description_overrides{$keymap}; } elsif ($keymap =~ /(.+)_(.+)/) { warn "Description for $keymap not found!\n" unless exists $layouts{$1} and exists $variants{$1}{$2}; $desc = "$layouts{$1} ($variants{$1}{$2})"; } else { warn "Description for $keymap not found!\n" unless exists $layouts{$keymap}; $desc = $layouts{$keymap}; } $descriptions{$keymap} = $desc; } print "/keymaps [\n"; my $i = 0; my $us_index; for my $keymap (sort { $descriptions{$a} cmp $descriptions{$b} } @keymaps) { my $localelist; if (exists $keymap_locales{$keymap}) { if (ref $keymap_locales{$keymap}) { $localelist = join(' ', map(qq{"$_"}, @{$keymap_locales{$keymap}})); } else { $localelist = qq{"$keymap_locales{$keymap}"}; } $localelist = "[ $localelist ]"; } else { $localelist = '[ ]'; } my $model; if (exists $unusual_models{$keymap}) { $model = qq{"$unusual_models{$keymap}"}; } else { $model = '.undef'; } print qq{ [ "$keymap" $keymapfunc{$keymap} "$descriptions{$keymap}" $localelist $model ]\n}; $us_index = $i if $keymap eq 'us'; ++$i; } print "] def\n\n"; die "'us' keymap not found!\n" unless defined $us_index; print <