You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

106 lines
2.3 KiB

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# change a string in *.po files
die "usage: change_text [-c comment] id text_line1 text_line2 ...\n" if @ARGV < 2;
my $comment;
if ($ARGV[0] eq '-c') {
$comment = shift;
my $id = shift;
my @texts = @ARGV;
$id =~ s/^txt_//;
sub print_buffer (*$@) {
my $fh = shift;
my $need_fuzzy = shift;
my @buffer = @_;
if ($need_fuzzy) {
if (@buffer and $buffer[0] =~ /^#,/) {
if ($buffer[0] !~ /fuzzy/) {
$buffer[0] =~ s/^#, //;
$buffer[0] = "#, fuzzy, $buffer[0]";
} else {
unshift @buffer, "#, fuzzy\n";
print $fh @buffer;
for my $f ("bootloader.pot", <*.po>) {
open OLD, $f or next;
unless (open NEW, '>', "$") {
close OLD;
my $state = '';
my $need_fuzzy = 0;
my @buffer;
for (<OLD>) {
if (/^#\. txt_\Q$id\E$/) {
$state = 'ID';
$need_fuzzy = 0;
if (defined $comment) {
print NEW "#. $comment\n";
} else {
print NEW @buffer;
@buffer = ();
print NEW;
} elsif (/^#\. txt_/) {
print NEW @buffer;
@buffer = ();
print NEW;
} elsif (/^#\. /) {
$state = 'BUFFER';
push @buffer, $_;
} elsif ($state eq 'ID' and /^#,/) {
$state = 'BUFFER';
push @buffer, $_;
} elsif ($state eq 'ID' and /^msgid/) {
$state = 'MSGID';
if (@texts == 1) {
push @buffer, "msgid \"$texts[0]\"\n";
} else {
push @buffer, "msgid \"\"\n";
for my $text (@texts) {
push @buffer, "\"$text\"\n";
} elsif ($state eq 'MSGID' and /^msgstr/) {
$state = 'MSGSTR';
$need_fuzzy = 1 if /^msgstr ".+"/;
push @buffer, $_;
} elsif ($state eq 'MSGSTR' and /^".+"/) {
$need_fuzzy = 1;
push @buffer, $_;
} elsif ($state eq 'MSGSTR' and /^$/) {
print_buffer NEW, $need_fuzzy, @buffer;
@buffer = ();
$state = '';
$need_fuzzy = 0;
print NEW;
} elsif (/^$/) {
print NEW @buffer;
@buffer = ();
print NEW;
} elsif ($state eq 'BUFFER' or $state eq 'MSGID' or $state eq 'MSGSTR') {
push @buffer, $_;
} else {
print NEW;
if ($state ne '' and @buffer) {
print_buffer NEW, $need_fuzzy, @buffer;
close NEW;
close OLD;
rename "$", $f;