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Хирецкий Михаил 19dd878b74
Add xfreerdp run support
3 年前
LICENCE git-svn-id: http://svn.calculate.ru/keyexec/tags/0.1.2@531 c91db197-33c1-4113-bf15-f8a5c547ca64 16 年前
Makefile git-svn-id: http://svn.calculate.ru/keyexec/tags/0.1.2@531 c91db197-33c1-4113-bf15-f8a5c547ca64 16 年前
README Translation comments and README in English 14 年前
keyexec.c Add xfreerdp run support 3 年前


This is the README file for the program keyexec

Program keyexec designed to access a terminal client to
desktop Windows.
The program works through rdesktop-client.

Tools Needed

rdesktop version 1.2.0 and higher
pam_keystore version 0.1 and higher


make install


make uninstall