package import io.eugenethedev.taigamobile.domain.entities.* import io.eugenethedev.taigamobile.domain.paging.CommonPagingSource import okhttp3.MultipartBody import retrofit2.Response import retrofit2.http.* /** * All API endpoints */ interface TaigaApi { companion object { const val API_PREFIX = "api/v1" const val AUTH_ENDPOINTS = "auth" const val REFRESH_ENDPOINT = "auth/refresh" } @POST("auth") suspend fun auth(@Body authRequest: AuthRequest): AuthResponse /** * Projects */ @GET("projects?order_by=user_order&slight=true") suspend fun getProjects( @Query("q") query: String? = null, @Query("page") page: Int? = null, @Query("member") memberId: Long? = null, @Query("page_size") pageSize: Int? = null ): List @GET("projects/{id}") suspend fun getProject(@Path("id") projectId: Long): ProjectResponse /** * Users */ @GET("users/{id}") suspend fun getUser(@Path("id") userId: Long): User @GET("users/me") suspend fun getMyProfile(): User @GET("users/{id}/stats") suspend fun getUserStats(@Path("id") userId: Long): Stats @GET("projects/{id}/member_stats") suspend fun getMemberStats(@Path("id") projectId: Long): MemberStatsResponse /** * Sprints */ @GET("milestones") suspend fun getSprints( @Query("project") project: Long, @Query("page") page: Int, @Query("closed") isClosed: Boolean ): List @GET("milestones/{id}") suspend fun getSprint(@Path("id") sprintId: Long): SprintResponse @POST("milestones") suspend fun createSprint(@Body request: CreateSprintRequest) @PATCH("milestones/{id}") suspend fun editSprint( @Path("id") id: Long, @Body request: EditSprintRequest ) @DELETE("milestones/{id}") suspend fun deleteSprint(@Path("id") id: Long): Response /** * Everything related to common tasks (epics, user stories, etc.) */ @GET("{taskPath}/filters_data") suspend fun getCommonTaskFiltersData( @Path("taskPath") taskPath: CommonTaskPathPlural, @Query("project") project: Long, @Query("milestone") milestone: Any? = null ): FiltersDataResponse @GET("userstories") suspend fun getUserStories( @Query("project") project: Long? = null, @Query("milestone") sprint: Any? = null, @Query("status") status: Long? = null, @Query("epic") epic: Long? = null, @Query("page") page: Int? = null, @Query("assigned_users") assignedId: Long? = null, @Query("status__is_closed") isClosed: Boolean? = null, @Query("watchers") watcherId: Long? = null, @Query("dashboard") isDashboard: Boolean? = null, @Query("q") query: String? = null, @Query("page_size") pageSize: Int = CommonPagingSource.PAGE_SIZE, // List? @Query("assigned_to", encoded = true) assignedIds: String? = null, @Query("epic", encoded = true) epics: String? = null, // List? @Query("owner", encoded = true) ownerIds: String? = null, @Query("role", encoded = true) roles: String? = null, @Query("status", encoded = true) statuses: String? = null, // List? @Query("tags", encoded = true) tags: String? = null, // here and below instead of setting header to "false" remove it, // because api always returns unpaginated result if header persists, regardless of its value @Header("x-disable-pagination") disablePagination: Boolean? = (page == null).takeIf { it } ): List @GET("tasks?order_by=us_order") suspend fun getTasks( @Query("user_story") userStory: Any? = null, @Query("project") project: Long? = null, @Query("milestone") sprint: Long? = null, @Query("page") page: Int? = null, @Query("assigned_to") assignedId: Long? = null, @Query("status__is_closed") isClosed: Boolean? = null, @Query("watchers") watcherId: Long? = null, @Header("x-disable-pagination") disablePagination: Boolean? = (page == null).takeIf { it } ): List @GET("epics") suspend fun getEpics( @Query("page") page: Int? = null, @Query("project") project: Long? = null, @Query("q") query: String? = null, @Query("assigned_to") assignedId: Long? = null, @Query("status__is_closed") isClosed: Boolean? = null, @Query("watchers") watcherId: Long? = null, @Query("page_size") pageSize: Int = CommonPagingSource.PAGE_SIZE, // List? @Query("assigned_to", encoded = true) assignedIds: String? = null, // List? @Query("owner", encoded = true) ownerIds: String? = null, @Query("status", encoded = true) statuses: String? = null, // List? @Query("tags", encoded = true) tags: String? = null, @Header("x-disable-pagination") disablePagination: Boolean? = (page == null).takeIf { it } ): List @GET("issues") suspend fun getIssues( @Query("page") page: Int? = null, @Query("project") project: Long? = null, @Query("q") query: String? = null, @Query("milestone") sprint: Long? = null, @Query("status__is_closed") isClosed: Boolean? = null, @Query("watchers") watcherId: Long? = null, @Query("page_size") pageSize: Int = CommonPagingSource.PAGE_SIZE, // List? @Query("assigned_to", encoded = true) assignedIds: String? = null, // List? @Query("owner", encoded = true) ownerIds: String? = null, @Query("priority", encoded = true) priorities: String? = null, @Query("severity", encoded = true) severities: String? = null, @Query("type", encoded = true) types: String? = null, @Query("role", encoded = true) roles: String? = null, @Query("status", encoded = true) statuses: String? = null, // List? @Query("tags", encoded = true) tags: String? = null, @Header("x-disable-pagination") disablePagination: Boolean? = (page == null).takeIf { it } ): List @GET("userstories/by_ref") suspend fun getUserStoryByRef( @Query("project") projectId: Long, @Query("ref") ref: Int ): CommonTaskResponse @GET("{taskPath}/{id}") suspend fun getCommonTask( @Path("taskPath") taskPath: CommonTaskPathPlural, @Path("id") id: Long ): CommonTaskResponse @PATCH("{taskPath}/{id}") suspend fun editCommonTask( @Path("taskPath") taskPath: CommonTaskPathPlural, @Path("id") id: Long, @Body editCommonTaskRequest: EditCommonTaskRequest ) @POST("{taskPath}") suspend fun createCommonTask( @Path("taskPath") taskPath: CommonTaskPathPlural, @Body createRequest: CreateCommonTaskRequest ): CommonTaskResponse @POST("tasks") suspend fun createTask(@Body createTaskRequest: CreateTaskRequest): CommonTaskResponse @POST("issues") suspend fun createIssue(@Body createIssueRequest: CreateIssueRequest): CommonTaskResponse @POST("userstories") suspend fun createUserstory(@Body createUserStoryRequest: CreateUserStoryRequest): CommonTaskResponse @DELETE("{taskPath}/{id}") suspend fun deleteCommonTask( @Path("taskPath") taskPath: CommonTaskPathPlural, @Path("id") id: Long ): Response @POST("epics/{id}/related_userstories") suspend fun linkToEpic( @Path("id") epicId: Long, @Body linkToEpicRequest: LinkToEpicRequest ) @DELETE("epics/{epicId}/related_userstories/{userStoryId}") suspend fun unlinkFromEpic( @Path("epicId") epicId: Long, @Path("userStoryId") userStoryId: Long ): Response @POST("{taskPath}/{id}/promote_to_user_story") suspend fun promoteCommonTaskToUserStory( @Path("taskPath") taskPath: CommonTaskPathPlural, @Path("id") taskId: Long, @Body promoteToUserStoryRequest: PromoteToUserStoryRequest ): List // Tasks comments @PATCH("{taskPath}/{id}") suspend fun createCommonTaskComment( @Path("taskPath") taskPath: CommonTaskPathPlural, @Path("id") id: Long, @Body createCommentRequest: CreateCommentRequest ) @GET("history/{taskPath}/{id}?type=comment") suspend fun getCommonTaskComments( @Path("taskPath") taskPath: CommonTaskPathSingular, @Path("id") id: Long ): List @POST("history/{taskPath}/{id}/delete_comment") suspend fun deleteCommonTaskComment( @Path("taskPath") taskPath: CommonTaskPathSingular, @Path("id") id: Long, @Query("id") commentId: String ) // Tasks attachments @GET("{taskPath}/attachments") suspend fun getCommonTaskAttachments( @Path("taskPath") taskPath: CommonTaskPathPlural, @Query("object_id") storyId: Long, @Query("project") projectId: Long ): List @DELETE("{taskPath}/attachments/{id}") suspend fun deleteCommonTaskAttachment( @Path("taskPath") taskPath: CommonTaskPathPlural, @Path("id") attachmentId: Long ): Response @POST("{taskPath}/attachments") @Multipart suspend fun uploadCommonTaskAttachment( @Path("taskPath") taskPath: CommonTaskPathPlural, @Part file: MultipartBody.Part, @Part project: MultipartBody.Part, @Part objectId: MultipartBody.Part ) // Custom attributes @GET("{taskPath}-custom-attributes") suspend fun getCustomAttributes( @Path("taskPath") taskPath: CommonTaskPathSingular, @Query("project") projectId: Long ): List @GET("{taskPath}/custom-attributes-values/{id}") suspend fun getCustomAttributesValues( @Path("taskPath") taskPath: CommonTaskPathPlural, @Path("id") taskId: Long ): CustomAttributesValuesResponse @PATCH("{taskPath}/custom-attributes-values/{id}") suspend fun editCustomAttributesValues( @Path("taskPath") taskPath: CommonTaskPathPlural, @Path("id") taskId: Long, @Body editRequest: EditCustomAttributesValuesRequest ) // Swimlanes @GET("swimlanes") suspend fun getSwimlanes(@Query("project") project: Long): List // Wiki @GET("wiki") suspend fun getProjectWikiPages( @Query("project") projectId: Long ): List @GET("wiki/by_slug") suspend fun getProjectWikiPageBySlug( @Query("project") projectId: Long, @Query("slug") slug: String ): WikiPage @PATCH("wiki/{id}") suspend fun editWikiPage( @Path("id") pageId: Long, @Body editWikiPageRequest: EditWikiPageRequest ) @GET("wiki/attachments") suspend fun getPageAttachments( @Query("object_id") pageId: Long, @Query("project") projectId: Long ): List @POST("wiki/attachments") @Multipart suspend fun uploadPageAttachment( @Part file: MultipartBody.Part, @Part project: MultipartBody.Part, @Part objectId: MultipartBody.Part ) @DELETE("wiki/attachments/{id}") suspend fun deletePageAttachment( @Path("id") attachmentId: Long ): Response @DELETE("wiki/{id}") suspend fun deleteWikiPage( @Path("id") pageId: Long ): Response @GET("wiki-links") suspend fun getWikiLink( @Query("project") projectId: Long ): List @POST("wiki-links") suspend fun createWikiLink( @Body newWikiLinkRequest: NewWikiLinkRequest ) @DELETE("wiki-links/{id}") suspend fun deleteWikiLink( @Path("id") linkId: Long ): Response }