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# calculate-gnome
## Gnome Profile for Calculate Linux Desktop
It is developed based on the original Calculate Linux profiles and is compatible with calculate utilities
The official website of the Calculate Linux project:
Calculate Linux project on GitHub:
12 months ago
***Warning: This is an unofficial profile for personal use. If you use it, then only at your own risk!!!***
### How do I switch to a profile in the installed Calculate linux Desktop OS?
**Using calculate utilities (recommended):**
* Press CTRL-ALT-F1 to enter console mode
* Stop the display manager by running a command from root or using sudo
`/etc/init.d/display-manager stop`
* Update the Calculate Linux Desktop OS by running the command
`cl-update --scan on`
* Update the Calculate Linux Desktop OS profile by running the command
`cl-update-profile --url CLDG/amd64/20`
* Update the Calculate Linux Desktop OS to reformat the world by running the command
`cl-update --scan on`
* Rename the user's home directory (for proper user configuration) by running the command from root or using sudo
`mv /home/[username] /home/[username].old`
* Start the display manager by running the command from root or using sudo
`/etc/init.d/display-manager start`
* Restart your PC
***Warning: It may take a long time. You will lose the installed programs that are not in the profile templates.***
### How to create an image on the Calculate linux Desktop OS?
**Using calculate utilities (recommended):**
* [Download]( Calculate Linux Scratch (CLS) image
* Prepare a new OS build by running the command
`cl-builder-prepare --iso /[imagepath]/[isoname].iso `
* Update the OS build by running the command
`cl-builder-update -f`
* Update the OS build profile by running the command
`cl-builder-profile --id distros:CLS/amd64/20 --url CLDG/amd64/20`
* Log in to chroot by running the command from root or using sudo
`chroot /run/calculate/mount/distros_CLS_amd64_20/`
* In chroot, fix the cyclic dependency error (temporarily) by running the command
`mkdir /etc/portage/package.use`
`echo "media-libs/libsndfile minimal" > /etc/portage/package.use/circular-dependencies`
* Exit the chroot by running the `exit` command
* Update the OS build to reformat the world
* Log in to the chroot again
* In the chroot, delete the folder with the circular-dependencies file by running the command
`rm -r /etc/portage/package.use`
* Update the OS build again
* Create a new image (proprietary video drivers are not included in the image, the '--video on' parameter will enable them) by running the command
`cl-builder-image --id distros:CLS/amd64/20 --video off `
* Complete the OS build by running the command
`cl-builder-break --id distros:CLS/amd64/20`
The new image will be located in `/var/calculate/linux/`
***Warning: Takes a long time.***