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* Convenience module
* @author Deminder <>
* @copyright 2021
* @license GNU General Public License v3.0
/* exported MODES, WAKE_MODES, modeLabel, logDebug, proxyPromise, durationString, longDurationString, disableGuiIdle, enableGuiIdle, guiIdle, throttleTimeout */
const { GLib } =;
const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain('ShutdownTimer');
const _ = Gettext.gettext;
const _n = Gettext.ngettext;
let debugMode = false;
* @param {...any} args
function logDebug(...args) {
if (debugMode) {
var MODES = ['suspend', 'poweroff', 'reboot'];
var WAKE_MODES = ['wake', 'no-wake'];
* @param mode
function modeLabel(mode) {
return {
suspend: _('Suspend'),
poweroff: _('Power Off'),
reboot: _('Restart'),
wake: _('Wake after'),
'no-wake': _('No Wake'),
* @param ProxyType
* @param session
* @param dest
* @param objectPath
function proxyPromise(ProxyType, session, dest, objectPath) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
new ProxyType(session, dest, objectPath, (proxy, error) => {
if (error) {
} else {
* @param seconds
function durationString(seconds) {
const sign = Math.sign(seconds);
const absSec = Math.floor(Math.abs(seconds));
const minutes = Math.floor(absSec / 60);
const hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60);
if (hours >= 3) {
return _n('%s hour', '%s hours', hours).format(sign * hours);
} else if (minutes === 0) {
return _n('%s sec', '%s secs', absSec).format(
sign * (absSec > 5 ? 10 * Math.ceil(absSec / 10) : absSec)
return _n('%s min', '%s mins', minutes).format(sign * minutes);
* @param minutes
* @param hrFmt
* @param minFmt
function longDurationString(minutes, hrFmt, minFmt) {
const hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60);
const residualMinutes = minutes % 60;
let parts = [minFmt(residualMinutes).format(residualMinutes)];
if (hours) {
parts = [hrFmt(hours).format(hours)].concat(parts);
return parts.join(' ');
let idleSourceId = null;
let idleCallbacks = [];
let idleEnabled = false;
function enableGuiIdle() {
idleEnabled = true;
function disableGuiIdle() {
idleEnabled = false;
idleCallbacks = [];
if (idleSourceId) {
idleSourceId = null;
* @param callback
function guiIdle(callback) {
if (idleEnabled) {
if (!idleSourceId) {
idleSourceId = GLib.idle_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, () => {
for (const func of idleCallbacks) {
idleCallbacks = [];
idleSourceId = null;
* @param timeoutFunc
* @param delayMillis
function throttleTimeout(timeoutFunc, delayMillis) {
let current = null;
return [
() => {
if (current === null) {
current = setTimeout(() => {
current = null;
}, delayMillis);
() => {
if (current) {
current = null;