# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- #!/usr/bin/env python3 '__autor__'== 'serkus' import os, sys, json from urllib import request from package import search #import xml import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET #Проверяем пользователь ROOT или нет def is_root(): return os.geteuid() == 0 #Читаем Файл посторочно def read_configs(filename): param = {} if os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename) as f: for line in f: print(line) else: print("Path is not Found") #получаем список оверлеев def enable_overlays(): path='/etc/portage/repos.conf/' def get_list_overlays(): overlays =[] url = "https://qa-reports.gentoo.org/output/repos/repositories.xml" # "https://api.gentoo.org/overlays/repositories.xml" response = request.urlopen(url) overlays = [] overlay = {} root = ET.fromstring(response.read()) #print(root.tag) #print(root.attrib) name = "" description = "" homepage = "" feed ="" for child in root.findall('repo'): name = child.find('name').text try: description = child.find('description').text except AttributeError: description = "У overlay нет описания" try: homepage = child.find('homepage').text except AttributeError: homepage = "У overlay нет домашней странички" try: feed = child.find('feed').text except AttributeError: feed = "У overlay нет ссылки и на дерево" overlay = dict(name=name, description=description, homepage=homepage, feed=feed) overlays.append(overlay) #print(str(overlays)) print(len(overlays)) with open('./overlays.json', 'a') as f: f.write(json.dumps({"repositories": overlays})) #f.close() return overlays def xml_element_to_dict(elem): "Convert XML Element to a simple dict" inner = dict(elem.attrib) children = list(map(xml_element_to_dict, list(elem))) text = elem.text and elem.text.strip() if text: inner['@text'] = text if children: inner['@children'] = children return {elem.tag: inner} def xml2json(xmldata): pass #doc = ET.parse(xmldata) #root = root = ET.fromstring(xmldata) def write_config(port=8000, Lang='ru', theme="default"): conf = dict(PORT=port, Lang=Lang, THEME=theme) with open('./config.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(conf, f) return conf def read_config(): with open('./config.json', 'r') as f: conf = json.load(f) return conf def load_config(): conf = {} if not os.path.exists("./config.json"): write_config() else: conf = read_config() return conf #SORT IN INTALL PAKAGES #'/var/db/pkg/' def sort_install_pkg(): INSTALL = {} path = '/var/db/pkg/' for d, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for f in files: if f.endswith('.ebuild'): if d.replace(path, "").split('/')[0]not in INSTALL: INSTALL[d.replace(path, "").split('/')[0]] =[] INSTALL[d.replace(path, "").split('/')[0]].append( f.replace('.ebuild', "")) else: INSTALL[d.replace(path, "").split('/')[0]].append( f.replace('.ebuild', "")) #INSTALL[d.replace(path, "").split('/')[0]] =[] #print(str(len(INSTALL))) #return json.dumps({'install_pkgs':INSTALL}) return INSTALL def scan_config_portage(): dir_root ="/etc/portage" config = {} i = 0 dr = {} data = {} pf={} for d, dirs, files in os.walk(dir_root): print(str(d)) i=i+1 for fl in files: with open(d + "/" +fl) as f: pf[str(d.split('/')[-1]) + "/"+ fl]= f.read().split('\n') str(d.split('/')[-1]) print(dr) config = {'portage': pf} print("config:\t" + str(config)) return config