Add routeing.

Mike Hiretsky 13 years ago
parent 70100bbfbf
commit fe20abe362

@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
# limitations under the License.
import math
from cl_utils import process, checkUtils, readFile, listDirectory
from cl_utils import process, checkUtils, readFile, listDirectory, \
readLinesFile, getRunCommands
import sys
import re
from os import path
@ -151,16 +152,26 @@ def receiveIpAndMask(interface="eth0"):
def isDhcpIp(interface="eth0"):
"""Get ip by dhcp or static"""
# dhclient
fdhcpLeases = "/var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases"
if interface in readFile(fdhcpLeases):
return True
# dhcpcd
fdhcpInfo = "/var/lib/dhcpcd/"%interface
fdhcpLease = "/var/lib/dhcpcd/"%interface
if path.exists(fdhcpInfo) or path.exists(fdhcpLease):
if filter(lambda x:interface in x and ("dhcpcd" in x or "dhclient" in x),
return True
return False
def getRouteTable(onlyIface=[]):
"""Get route table, exclude specifed iface"""
ipProg = checkUtils('/sbin/ip')
routes = process(ipProg,"route")
if onlyIface:
filterRe = re.compile("|".join(map(lambda x:r"dev %s"%x,onlyIface)))
routes = filter(,routes)
for line in routes:
network,op,line = line.partition(" ")
routeParams = map(lambda x:x.strip(),line.split())
# (network,{'via':value,'dev':value})
if network:
yield (network,dict(zip(routeParams[0::2],routeParams[1::2])))
def getInterfaces():
"""Get available interfaces"""
return filter(lambda x:x != "lo",
