fix translate

Спиридонов Денис 12 years ago
parent 0f789f1b75
commit 7b679eda51

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def client_post_cert (client, clVars, show_info = False):
result_sid = _result_sid[1].integer
if result_post_cert[0] == -4:
print _("Certificate not found in server")
print _("Certificate not found in the server")
print _('client use certificate %s') %client.CERT_FILE
print _('You can generate a new certificate using the keys '
'--gen-cert-by and --get-cert-from')
@ -48,16 +48,16 @@ def client_post_cert (client, clVars, show_info = False):
# client_sid(sid, client, cert_id = results[0][0], clVars = clVars)
if result_post_cert[0] == -3:
print _("Certificate not send!")
print _("Certificate not sent!")
if show_info:
print _(" Your certifitate id - %d") %(result_post_cert[0])
print _(" Your certifitate ID = %d") %(result_post_cert[0])
if result_post_cert[1] == -2:
print _("expiry date certificate has passed")
print _("The certificate has expired")
elif result_post_cert[1] > 0:
if show_info:
print _("shelf life expires after %d days") \
print _("The certificate expires after %d days") \
@ -117,20 +117,20 @@ def delete_old_cert(client):
def client_post_request (cert_path, args):
if os.path.exists(cert_path + 'req_id'):
print _("You have sent a request to sign the certificate.")
_print (_("request id - %s") %open(cert_path + 'req_id', 'r').read())
ans = raw_input (_("Send new request? y/[n]: "))
print _("You have already sent a request to sign the certificate.")
_print (_("Request ID = %s") %open(cert_path + 'req_id', 'r').read())
ans = raw_input (_("Send a new request? y/[n]: "))
if not ans.lower() in ['y','yes']:
return 0
url = "https://%s:%d/?wsdl" %(args.by_host, args.port)
print '%s\n'% url, _("connect...")
print '%s\n'% url, _("connecting...")
from client_class import Client_suds
client = Client_suds(url, transport = HTTPSClientCertTransport \
(None, None, cert_path))
except (KeyboardInterrupt, urllib2.URLError), e:
print '\n'+_("Close. Connecting Error.")
print '\n'+_("Closing. Connection error.")
_print (_("Error: %s") %e)
return 0[0].setlocation(url)
@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ def client_post_request (cert_path, args):
key = os.path.join(cert_path, server_host_name + '.key')
csr_file = os.path.join(cert_path, server_host_name +'.csr')
if os.path.exists(key) and os.path.exists(csr_file):
print _('secret key and request exists')
ask = raw_input(_("Create new secret key and request? y/[n]: "))
print _('secret key and request now exist')
ask = raw_input(_("Create a new secret key and request? y/[n]: "))
if ask.lower() in ['y','yes']:
passwd = get_password()
new_key_req(key, cert_path, server_host_name,
@ -156,17 +156,17 @@ def client_post_request (cert_path, args):
res = client.service.post_client_request(request = data, ip = ip,\
mac = mac, client_type = client_type)
if int(res) < 0:
print _("This server can not sign certificate!")
print _("This server has not signed the certificate!")
return 1
fc = open(os.path.join(cert_path, 'req_id'), 'w')
_print (_("Your request id - %s") %res)
_print (_("Your request ID = %s") %res)
return 0
def client_get_cert(cert_path, args):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cert_path, 'req_id')):
print _("request was not sent or deleted file %s") \
print _("Request not sent or file %s deleted") \
%(os.path.join(cert_path, 'req_id'))
return 1
fc = open(os.path.join(cert_path, 'req_id'), 'r')
@ -174,20 +174,20 @@ def client_get_cert(cert_path, args):
url = "https://%s:%d/?wsdl" %(args.from_host, args.port)
print '%s\n' %url, _("connect...")
print '%s\n' %url, _("connecting...")
from client_class import Client_suds
client = Client_suds(url, \
transport = HTTPSClientCertTransport(None, None, cert_path))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print _("Close. Connecting Error.")
print _("Closing. Connection error.")[0].setlocation(url)
server_host_name = client.service.get_server_host_name()
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cert_path, server_host_name + '.csr')):
print _('Request %s not found on client side') \
print _("Request %s not found on the client's side") \
%(os.path.join(cert_path, server_host_name + '.csr'))
return 1
request = open(os.path.join(cert_path, server_host_name + '.csr')).read()
@ -202,14 +202,14 @@ def client_get_cert(cert_path, args):
print _('Request to sign is rejected!')
return 1
elif cert == '2':
print _("Request for the signing has not yet reviewed.")
print _("Your request id - %s") %req_id
print _("Signature request not reviewed yet.")
print _("Your request ID = %s") %req_id
return 1
elif cert == '3':
print _("Request on signature does not match sent earlier.")
print _("Signature request does not match earlier data.")
return 1
elif cert == '4':
print _("Request was sent from another ip.")
print _("The request was sent from another IP.")
return 1
cert_file = os.path.join(cert_path, server_host_name + '.crt')
fc = open(cert_file, 'w')
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ def client_get_cert(cert_path, args):
if not filename:
print _('Not found field "CN" in certificate!')
print _('Field "CN" not found in the certificate!')
return 1
fd = open(os.path.join(cl_client_cert_dir, 'ca', filename), 'w')
@ -290,9 +290,9 @@ def client_get_cert(cert_path, args):
print _("filename = "), filename
print _("Certificate added")
print _("file with ca certificates exists")
print _("A file with CA certificates now exists")
return 0
def client_post_auth(client):
@ -304,9 +304,9 @@ def client_post_auth(client):
print _("You do not have a certificate. Use key --gen-cert-by "
"HOST for generate new request or key --get-cert-from "
"HOST for get new certificate from server.")
print _("You do not have a certificate. Use --gen-cert-by HOST to"\
" generate new request or --get-cert-from HOST to get a "\
"new certificate from the server.")
raise Exception(1)
# print client.service.versions(sid, VERSION)
except VerifyError, e:

@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ def verify(server_cert, crl_path, flag):
host = L.split(':')[0]
if not flag:
print _("field CN and L in CA certificate are incorrect!")
print _("fields CN and L in the CA certificate are incorrect!")
return 0
crl_file = crl_path + host
if not flag:
print _( "field CN and L in CA certificate are incorrect!")
print _( "fields CN and L in the CA certificate are incorrect!")
return 0
if not os.path.exists(crl_file):
@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ def get_CRL(path_to_cert):
except OSError:
print _("error creating directory %s") %path_to_cert
print _("Failed to create directory %s") %path_to_cert
raise Exception(1)
os.makedirs(os.path.join(path_to_cert, 'ca'))
except OSError:
print _("error creating directory %s") \
print _("Failed to create directory %s") \
%(os.path.join(path_to_cert, 'ca'))
raise Exception(1)
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ def get_CRL(path_to_cert):
fd = open(CRL_file, 'w')
print _("CRL add")
print _("CRL added")
find_ca_in_crl (CRL_path, all_ca_certs_list)
def find_ca_in_crl (CRL_path, all_ca_certs_list):
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ def rm_ca_from_trusted(ca_cert):
if ca_cert != cert:
print _("CA certificate delete from user trusted certificate")
print _("CA certificate deleted from user trusted certificate")
fd = open(user_ca_db, 'w')
for cert in new_user_ca_certs:
@ -290,7 +290,8 @@ def rm_ca_from_trusted(ca_cert):
if ca_cert != cert:
print _("CA certificate delete from system trusted certificate")
print \
_("CA certificate deleted from system trusted certificates")
fd = open(system_ca_db, 'w')
for cert in new_system_ca_certs:

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ def client_signal(client):
print _('no connection to server!')
print _('no connection to the server!')
raise Exception(1)
@ -261,13 +261,13 @@ def https_server(client, args, unknown_args, url, clVarsCore, wait_thread):
pid = int(mess.message)
result = client.service.pid_kill(pid, client.sid)
if result in [0,2]:
print _('Process is terminated')
print _('Process terminated')
elif result == -1:
print _("Certificate not found in server")
print _("Certificate not found in the server")
elif result == -2:
print _("Session doesn't belong to your certificate")
print _("Session not matching your certificate")
elif result == 1:
print _("It was not possible to kill process")
print _("Failed to kill the process")
# get_entire_frame(client, pid)
analysis(client, client.sid, method_result)
except Exception, e:
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ def main(wait_thread):
print _("cannot create directory %s") %dir_path
print _("Failed to create directory %s") %dir_path
return 1
if args.update_crl:
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ def main(wait_thread):
print _('Password is invalid')
print _('Invalid password')
# delete password from daemon list
clear_password(host, port)
elif e:
@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ def main(wait_thread):
print _('Password is invalid')
print _('Invalid password')
# delete password from daemon list
clear_password(host, port)
return 1

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class CheckingClientHTTPSConnection(CheckingHTTPSConnection):
if not filename:
return None
print _("Certificate not found in client")
print _("Certificate not found on the clients side")
return None
fd = open(self.trusted_path + filename, 'r')
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class CheckingClientHTTPSConnection(CheckingHTTPSConnection):
if store_cert == server_cert:
return filename
print _("Error open file"), self.trusted_path, filename
print _("Failed to open the file"), self.trusted_path, filename
return None
def add_all_ca_cert(self, list_ca_certs):
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ class CheckingClientHTTPSConnection(CheckingHTTPSConnection):
if not filename:
print _('Not found field "CN" in certificate!')
print _('Field "CN" not found in the certificate!')
return 1
fd = open(os.path.join(cl_client_cert_dir,'ca/',filename),'w')
@ -178,9 +178,9 @@ class CheckingClientHTTPSConnection(CheckingHTTPSConnection):
print _("filename = "), filename
print _("Certificate added")
print _("file with ca certificates exists")
print _("A file with CA certificates now exists")
def add_ca_cert(self, cert, list_ca_certs):
@ -190,11 +190,11 @@ class CheckingClientHTTPSConnection(CheckingHTTPSConnection):[0].setlocation(url)
cert = client.service.get_ca()
if cert == '1':
print _('Server certificate is not valid')
print _('Invalid server certificate')
raise Exception(1)
if cert == '2':
print _('CA not found on server')
print _('CA not found on the server')
raise Exception(1)
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ class CheckingClientHTTPSConnection(CheckingHTTPSConnection):
print '\n', _("Subject")
for subj in Subject:
print "%s : %s" %(subj[0], subj[1])
ans = raw_input (_("Add CA certificates to trusted? y/[n]:"))
ans = raw_input (_("Add the CA certificate to trusted? y/[n]:"))
if ans.lower() in ['y','yes']:
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ class CheckingClientHTTPSConnection(CheckingHTTPSConnection):
# add certificate server in trusted
def add_server_cert(self, cert):
print _("Untrusted Server Certificate!")
print _("Untrusted server certificate!")
certobj = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate \
print '\n' + _("Fingerprint = %s") % certobj.digest('SHA1')
@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ class CheckingClientHTTPSConnection(CheckingHTTPSConnection):
for item in Subject:
print "%s : %s" %(item[0], item[1])
print '\n' + _('Add this Servers certificate to trusted (s) or')
print _('Try add CA and ROOT certificates to trusted (c) or')
print '\n' + _('Add this server certificate to trusted (s) or')
print _('Try to add the CA and ROOT certificates to trusted (c) or')
choice = raw_input (_("Quit (q)? s/c/[q]: "))
if choice.lower() in ['s', 'c']:
#self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock)
@ -284,10 +284,10 @@ class CheckingClientHTTPSConnection(CheckingHTTPSConnection):
except OSError:
print _("error creating directory %s") %root_cert_dir
print _("Failed to create directory %s") %root_cert_dir
raise Exception(1)
print '\n' + _("Try add CA and ROOT certificates")
print '\n' + _("Try to add the CA and ROOT certificates")
self.list_ca_certs = []
self.add_ca_cert(cert, self.list_ca_certs)
return 3

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def makeRequest(pubkey, pkey, serv_host, auto = False):
if auto:
c = 'n'
c = raw_input (_("Enter certificate data by hand? y/[n]: "))
c = raw_input (_("Enter the certificate data manually? y/[n]: "))
# Get HostName
host_name = socket.getfqdn()
list_host_name = host_name.split('.')
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ def makeRequest(pubkey, pkey, serv_host, auto = False):
name.L = raw_input (_('Network address (hostname or IP) [%s]: ')\
name.ST = raw_input (_('State Name: '))
name.C = raw_input (_('Country (2 words): [%s]') %lang)
name.C = raw_input (_('Country (2 characters): [%s]') %lang)
if not name.C:
name.C = lang

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ def clear ():
except OSError, e:
_print (e.message)
print _("Clear Cache error! ")
print _("Failed to clear the cache! ")
return 1
def get_ip_global():
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ def analysis(client, sid, s):
pid = int(mess.message)
show_error(_('server send pid = ') + pid)
show_error(_('the server sent pid = ') + pid)
return 1
get_messages(client, sid, pid)
elif mess.type == 'error':
@ -447,7 +447,8 @@ def get_entire_frame(client, pid):
list_pid = client.service.list_pid(sid = sid)
if hasattr (list_pid, 'integer'):
if not pid in list_pid.integer:
print _('Process not exist or not belong to your session')
print \
_('The process does not exist or does not belong to your session')
# if list_pid[0] == [0]:
# return 0
# for pid in list_pid[0]:

@ -21,9 +21,19 @@ setLocalTranslate('calculate_console',sys.modules[__name__])
import urllib2
from calculate.core.server.methods_func import get_method_argparser, \
#class help_form (argparse.HelpFormatter):
# def __init__(self,prog, indent_increment=2, max_help_position=24,
# width=None):
# from fcntl import ioctl
# from array import array
# import termios
# h,w=array('h', ioctl(sys.stderr,termios.TIOCGWINSZ,'\0'*8))[:2]
# argparse.HelpFormatter.__init__(self, prog, indent_increment,
# max_help_position, w)
def parse():
# parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False,formatter_class=help_form)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
'-h', '--help', action='store_true', default=False,
@ -32,50 +42,52 @@ def parse():
'--method', type=str, dest='method', help=_('call method'))
'-l', '--lang', type=str, dest='lang',
help=_('language for translate'))
help=_('language for translation'))
'-p', '--port', type=int, default = '8888', dest='port',
help=_('port number'))
'--host', type=str, default = 'localhost', dest='host',
help=_('host destination'))
help=_('destination host'))
'--gen-cert-by', type=str, dest='by_host', metavar = 'HOST',
help=_('post request a signed certificate by server'))
help = \
_('post a request on the server for the certificate to be signed'))
'--get-cert-from', type=str, dest='from_host', metavar = 'HOST',
help=_('get signed certificate from server'))
help=_('get the signed certificate from the server'))
'--cert-path', type=str, dest='path_to_cert', metavar = 'PATH',
help=_('path to cert and key files'))
help=_('path to the cert and key files'))
'--list-pid', action='store_true', default=False,
dest='list_pid', help=_("view a list of running processes"))
dest='list_pid', help=_("view the list of running processes"))
'-d', '--dump', action='store_true', default=False, dest = 'dump',
help=_('dump (using with key --list-pid)'))
help=_('dump (to be used with --list-pid)'))
'--pid-result', type=int, metavar = 'PID',
dest='pid_res', help=_("view result of process"))
dest='pid_res', help=_("view the result of the process"))
'--pid-kill', type=int, metavar = 'PID',
dest='pid_kill', help=_("kill selected process"))
dest='pid_kill', help=_("kill the selected process"))
'--session-clean', action='store_true', default=False,
dest='session_clean', help=_('clear cache session'))
dest='session_clean', help=_('clear the session cache'))
'--session-info', action='store_true', default=False,
dest='session_info', help=_("view session information"))
dest='session_info', help=_("view the session information"))
'--session-num-info', type=int, metavar = 'SID',
dest='session_num_info', help=_("view information about session "
"with sid = SID"))
help=_("view information about session = SID"))
'--session-list', action='store_true', default=False,
dest='session_list', help=_("view list active session on server"))
help=_("view the active session list on the server"))
'--update-crl', action='store_true', default=False,
dest='update_crl', help=_("update the certificate revocation lists"))
dest='update_crl', help=_("update the revocation list"))
'--stop-consoled', action='store_true', default=False,
dest='stop_consoled', help=_("stop cl-consoled"))
@ -125,7 +137,7 @@ def call_method(client, args, wait_thread):
method_result = client.service[0][method](client.sid, param_object)
if not method_result:
print _('method is not available')
print _('Method not available')
return None
if method_result.ReturnedMessage[0].type and \
method_result.ReturnedMessage[0].type != "pid":
@ -136,7 +148,7 @@ def call_method(client, args, wait_thread):
for field in Group.fields.Field:
if == error.field:
if field.opt.shortopt or field.opt.longopt:
params_text += _('Error in parameter ')
params_text += _('Wrong option ')
params_text += ', '.join(filter(None,
[field.opt.shortopt, field.opt.longopt])) \
+ '. '
@ -154,13 +166,13 @@ def call_method(client, args, wait_thread):
if not no_questions:
while True:
ask = raw_input('\n' + _('Run process? (yes/no): '))
ask = raw_input('\n' + _('Run the process? (yes/no): '))
red = '\033[31m * \033[0m'
except KeyboardInterrupt:
ask = 'no'
red = '\n'+'\033[31m * \033[0m'
if ask.lower() in ['n', 'no']:
print red + _('Interrupted by user')
print red + _('Interrupted by the user')
return None
if ask.lower() in ['y', 'yes']:
@ -168,7 +180,7 @@ def call_method(client, args, wait_thread):
param_object['CheckOnly'] = False
method_result = client.service[0][method](client.sid, param_object)
if not method_result:
print _('method is not available')
print _('Method not available')
return None
if method_result.ReturnedMessage[0].type and \
method_result.ReturnedMessage[0].type != "pid":
@ -178,7 +190,7 @@ def call_method(client, args, wait_thread):
for field in Group.fields.Field:
if == error.field:
if field.opt.shortopt or field.opt.longopt:
params_text += _('Error in parameter ')
params_text += _('Wrong option ')
params_text += ', '.join(filter(None,
[field.opt.shortopt, field.opt.longopt]))+'. '
red = '\033[31m * \033[0m'

@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ def pid_inf(client, sid, pids):
print _("Permission denied")
return 1
_print ('\n', _(u"Process name - %s") %s[0][4])
print _(u"Process id - %s") %s[0][0]
_print (_(u"Process started %s") %s[0][2])
_print ('\n', _(u"Process name: %s") %s[0][4])
print _(u"Process ID: %s") %s[0][0]
_print (_(u"%s: process started") %s[0][2])
if s[0][1] == '1':
print _(u"Process is active")
print _(u"Process active")
elif s[0][1] == '0':
print _(u"Process has been completed")
print _(u"Process completed")
print _(u"Process killed")
return 0
@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ def client_list_pid(client):
list_pid = client.service.list_pid(sid = sid)
if list_pid[0][0] == 0:
print red + _("Not found pid for this session!")
print red + _("PID not found for this session!")
return 0
for i in list_pid[0]:
print green + "pid - %d" %i
print red + _("Server get pids error")
print red + _("The server gets PID errors")
return 1
return len(list_pid[0])
@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ def gen_pid_ls(client):
list_pid = client.service.list_pid(sid = sid)
if list_pid[0][0] == 0:
print _("Not found pid for this session!")
print _("PID not found for this session!")
return 0
for i in list_pid[0]:
print _("Server get pids error")
print _("The server gets PID errors")
return 0
return pid_ls
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ def client_list_methods(client):
return 1
print _("You can execute:"), _('use key'), '--method'
print _("You can execute:"), _('use'), '--method'
for num in range (0, len(results[DAT])):
# command = results[DAT][num][RES][COM]
view_command = results[DAT][num][RES][METH]
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ def client_list_sessions(client):
_print (results[0][0])
return 1
print _("Execute sessions:")
print _("Running sessions:")
for sess in results[0]:
_print (" - %s" %sess)
return 0
@ -133,15 +133,15 @@ def client_pid_kill(client, pid):
result = client.service.pid_kill(pid, sid)
if result == 0:
print _("Process is completed")
print _("Process completed")
elif result == 2:
print _("Process killed")
elif result == 3:
print _("Process not found")
elif result == -1:
print _("Certificate not found in server")
print _("Certificate not found in the server")
elif result == -2:
print _("Session doesn't belong to your certificate")
print _("Session not matching your certificate")
elif result == 1:
print _("It was not possible to kill process")
print _("Failed to kill the process")
return 0

@ -41,22 +41,22 @@ def client_del_sid(client):
s = client.service.del_sid(sid)
if s[0][0] == "-1":
print _("No access to file!")
print _("No access to the file!")
return -1
if s[0][0] == "1":
print _("Failed to obtain certificate data!")
return -2
if s[0][0] == "Permission denied":
_print (_("Permission denied %s") % s[1][1])
_print (_("%s: permission denied") % s[1][1])
return -3
if s[0][0] == '0':
fi = open(client.SID_FILE, 'w')
print _("Sid Deleted!")
print _("SID Deleted!")
print _("Server delete sid error")
print _("SID deletion error")
return 1
return 0
@ -66,19 +66,19 @@ def sid_inf(client, sid):
""" get information about selected session """
s = client.service.sid_info(sid)
if s[0][0] == "-1":
print red + _("This session not registered on server!")
print red + _("This session not registered on the server!")
return -1
if s[0][0] == "-2":
print red + _("Failed to obtain certificate data!")
return -2
if s[0][0] == "Permission denied":
print red + _("Permission denied %s") % s[0][1]
print red + _("%s: permission denied") % s[0][1]
return -3
print _('Session information: ')
print green + _(u"Session number - %s") %sid
print green + _(u"Certificate number - %s") %s[0][0]
_print (green + _(u"Date issue of certificate - %s") %s[0][1])
print green + _(u"Session number: %s") %sid
print green + _(u"Certificate number: %s") %s[0][0]
_print (green + _(u"Certificate issued on %s") %s[0][1])
print green + "ip - %s" %s[0][2]
print green + "MAC - %s\n" %s[0][3]
return 0
@ -98,12 +98,12 @@ def client_session_list(client):
res = client.service.get_sessions(client.sid)
if hasattr (res, 'string'):
if res.string:
print _('Active session on server: ')
print _('Active sessions on the server: ')
for session_id in res.string:
print green + session_id
return 0
print red + _('No active session on server')
print red + _('No active session on the server')
def session_clean(client):
@ -113,4 +113,4 @@ def session_clean(client):
if res:
print _('Error clearing session cache')
print _('Session cache is cleared')
print _('Session cache cleared')

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: console_gui_translate\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-29 17:59+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-29 17:59+0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-02 12:06+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-02 12:06+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Denis <>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
@ -25,25 +25,26 @@ msgstr "Доступ запрещён"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#, python-format
msgid "Process name - %s"
msgid "Process name: %s"
msgstr "Имя процесса - %s"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#, python-format
msgid "Process id - %s"
msgid "Process ID: %s"
msgstr "Идентификатор процесса - %s"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#, python-format
msgid "Process started %s"
msgid "%s: process started"
msgstr "Процесс запущен %s"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Process is active"
msgid "Process active"
msgstr "Процесс активен"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Process has been completed"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Process completed"
msgstr "Процесс завершён"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
@ -53,12 +54,12 @@ msgstr "Процесс убит"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Not found pid for this session!"
msgid "PID not found for this session!"
msgstr "Не найдены процессы для вашей сессии!"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Server get pids error"
msgid "The server gets PID errors"
msgstr "Ошибка списка процессов с сервера"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
@ -71,17 +72,13 @@ msgid "You can execute:"
msgstr "Вы можете запускать:"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "use key"
msgid "use"
msgstr "используйте ключ"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Execute sessions:"
msgid "Running sessions:"
msgstr "Запущенные сессии:"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Process is completed"
msgstr "Процесс завершён"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Process not found"
msgstr "Процесс не найден"
@ -89,22 +86,22 @@ msgstr "Процесс не найден"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Certificate not found in server"
msgid "Certificate not found in the server"
msgstr "Не найден сертификат на сервере"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Session doesn't belong to your certificate"
msgid "Session not matching your certificate"
msgstr "Сессия не соответствует Вашему сертификату"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "It was not possible to kill process"
msgid "Failed to kill the process"
msgstr "Не удалось завершить процесс"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "field CN and L in CA certificate are incorrect!"
msgid "fields CN and L in the CA certificate are incorrect!"
msgstr "поля CN и L в сертификате CA некорректны!"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
@ -121,25 +118,26 @@ msgstr "Дата отзыва"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#, python-format
msgid "error creating directory %s"
msgid "Failed to create directory %s"
msgstr "Ошибка при создании директории %s"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "CRL add"
msgid "CRL added"
msgstr "CRL добавлен"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "CA certificate delete from user trusted certificate"
msgstr "Сертификат Центра Авторизации удалён из пользовательского списка доверенных сертификатов"
msgid "CA certificate deleted from user trusted certificate"
msgstr "Сертификат Центра авторизации удалён из пользовательского списка доверенных сертификатов"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "CA certificate delete from system trusted certificate"
msgstr "Сертификат Центра Авторизации удалён из системного списка доверенных сертификатов"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "CA certificate deleted from system trusted certificates"
msgstr "Сертификат Центра авторизации удалён из системного списка доверенных сертификатов"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Enter certificate data by hand? y/[n]: "
msgid "Enter the certificate data manually? y/[n]: "
msgstr "Ввести данные сертификата вручную? y/[n]: "
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
@ -167,11 +165,11 @@ msgstr "Город: "
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#, python-format
msgid "Country (2 words): [%s]"
msgid "Country (2 characters): [%s]"
msgstr "Страна (2 символа): [%s]"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Clear Cache error! "
msgid "Failed to clear the cache! "
msgstr "Ошибка очистки кэша!"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
@ -198,20 +196,20 @@ msgid "Method not found: "
msgstr "Метод не найден: "
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "server send pid = "
msgid "the server sent pid = "
msgstr "сервер послал идентификатор процесса = "
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Process not exist or not belong to your session"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "The process does not exist or does not belong to your session"
msgstr "Процесс не существует или принадлежит не вашей сессии"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#, python-format
msgid "Error task by %s"
msgstr "Ошибка задачи на %s"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "no connection to server!"
msgid "no connection to the server!"
msgstr "нет соединения с сервером!"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
@ -220,17 +218,12 @@ msgid "Not found method for %s"
msgstr "Не найден метод для %s"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Process is terminated"
msgid "Process terminated"
msgstr "Процесс завершён"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#, python-format
msgid "cannot create directory %s"
msgstr "Не удалось создать директорию %s"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Password is invalid"
msgid "Invalid password"
msgstr "Неверный пароль"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
@ -251,7 +244,7 @@ msgid "Exception: %s"
msgstr "Исключение: %s"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Failed to connect"
msgstr "Не удалось подключиться"
@ -264,7 +257,7 @@ msgid "call method"
msgstr "вызов метода"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "language for translate"
msgid "language for translation"
msgstr "язык для перевода"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
@ -272,93 +265,93 @@ msgid "port number"
msgstr "номер порта"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "host destination"
msgid "destination host"
msgstr "хост назначения"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "post request a signed certificate by server"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "post a request on the server for the certificate to be signed"
msgstr "послать запрос подписания сертификата на сервер"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "get signed certificate from server"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "get the signed certificate from the server"
msgstr "забрать подписанный сертификат с сервера"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "path to cert and key files"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "path to the cert and key files"
msgstr "путь к файлам сертификата и ключа"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "view a list of running processes"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "view the list of running processes"
msgstr "просмотр списка запущенных процессов"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "dump (using with key --list-pid)"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "dump (to be used with --list-pid)"
msgstr "дамп (используйте с ключом --list-pid)"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "view result of process"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "view the result of the process"
msgstr "просмотр результата работы процесса"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "kill selected process"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "kill the selected process"
msgstr "завершить выбранный процесс"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "clear cache session"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "clear the session cache"
msgstr "очистить кэш сессии"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "view session information"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "view the session information"
msgstr "просмотр информации о сессии"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "view information about session with sid = SID"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "view information about session = SID"
msgstr "Просмотр информации о сессии с номером SID"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "view list active session on server"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "view the active session list on the server"
msgstr "просмотр списка активных сессий на сервере"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "update the certificate revocation lists"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "update the revocation list"
msgstr "обновить список отзыва сертификатов"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "stop cl-consoled"
msgstr "остановить cl-consoled"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "do not display progress bar"
msgstr "не отображать прогрессбар"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "no questions during the process"
msgstr "не задавать вопросы во время процесса"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Unknown parameter"
msgstr "Неизвестный параметр"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "method is not available"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Method not available"
msgstr "Метод не доступен"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Error in parameter "
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Wrong option "
msgstr "Ошибка в параметре "
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Run process? (yes/no): "
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Run the process? (yes/no): "
msgstr "Запустить процесс? (yes/no): "
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Interrupted by user"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Interrupted by the user"
msgstr "Прервано пользователем"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "No access to file!"
msgid "No access to the file!"
msgstr "Нет доступа к файлу!"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
@ -369,19 +362,19 @@ msgstr "Не удалось получить данные сертификата
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#, python-format
msgid "Permission denied %s"
msgid "%s: permission denied"
msgstr "Доступ запрещён %s"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Sid Deleted!"
msgid "SID Deleted!"
msgstr "Сессия удалена!"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Server delete sid error"
msgid "SID deletion error"
msgstr "Ошибка удаления сессии на сервере"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "This session not registered on server!"
msgid "This session not registered on the server!"
msgstr "Данная сессия не зарегистрирована на сервере!"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
@ -390,33 +383,33 @@ msgstr "Информация о сессии: "
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#, python-format
msgid "Session number - %s"
msgid "Session number: %s"
msgstr "Номер сессии = %s"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#, python-format
msgid "Certificate number - %s"
msgid "Certificate number: %s"
msgstr "Номер сертификата - %s"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#, python-format
msgid "Date issue of certificate - %s"
msgid "Certificate issued on %s"
msgstr "Дата подписания сертификата - %s"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Active session on server: "
msgid "Active sessions on the server: "
msgstr "Активные сессии на сервере:"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "No active session on server"
msgstr "нет активных сессий на сервере"
msgid "No active session on the server"
msgstr "Нет активных сессий на сервере"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Error clearing session cache"
msgstr "Ошибка очистки кэша сессии"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Session cache is cleared"
msgid "Session cache cleared"
msgstr "Кэш сессии очищен"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
@ -429,21 +422,21 @@ msgid "You can generate a new certificate using the keys --gen-cert-by and --get
msgstr "Вы можете сгенерировать новый сертификат, используя ключи --gen-cert-by и --get-cert-from"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Certificate not send!"
msgid "Certificate not sent!"
msgstr "Сертификат не отправлен!"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#, python-format
msgid " Your certifitate id - %d"
msgstr "Номер Вашего сертификата - %d"
msgid " Your certifitate ID = %d"
msgstr "Номер Вашего сертификата = %d"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "expiry date certificate has passed"
msgid "The certificate has expired"
msgstr "Время жизни сертификата истекло"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#, python-format
msgid "shelf life expires after %d days"
msgid "The certificate expires after %d days"
msgstr "Время жизни сертификата истекает через %d дней"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
@ -452,7 +445,7 @@ msgstr "Новая сессия"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid " Old Session"
msgstr "Старая сессия"
msgstr "Предыдущая сессия"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#, python-format
@ -460,26 +453,26 @@ msgid " Your session id = %s"
msgstr "Номер Вашей сессии = %s"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "You have sent a request to sign the certificate."
msgid "You have already sent a request to sign the certificate."
msgstr "У Вас уже есть отправленный запрос на подписание сертификата."
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#, python-format
msgid "request id - %s"
msgstr "Номер запроса - %s"
msgid "Request ID = %s"
msgstr "Номер запроса = %s"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Send new request? y/[n]: "
msgid "Send a new request? y/[n]: "
msgstr "Отправить навый запрос на подпись сертификата? y/[n]: "
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "connect..."
msgid "connecting..."
msgstr "подключение..."
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Close. Connecting Error."
msgid "Closing. Connection error."
msgstr "Ошибка соединения. Закрываюсь."
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
@ -488,31 +481,31 @@ msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Ошибка: %s"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "secret key and request exists"
msgid "secret key and request now exist"
msgstr "секретный ключ и запрос на подпись сертификата созданы"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Create new secret key and request? y/[n]: "
msgstr "Создать новые Секретный Ключ и Запрос на подпись сертификата? y/[n]: "
msgid "Create a new secret key and request? y/[n]: "
msgstr "Создать новые секретный ключ и запрос на подпись сертификата? y/[n]: "
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "This server can not sign certificate!"
msgid "This server has not signed the certificate!"
msgstr "Сервер не подписал сертификат!"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#, python-format
msgid "Your request id - %s"
msgstr "Номер Вашего запроса - %s"
msgid "Your request ID = %s"
msgstr "Номер Вашего запроса = %s"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#, python-format
msgid "request was not sent or deleted file %s"
msgid "Request not sent or file %s deleted"
msgstr "Запрос не был послан или удалён файл %s"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#, python-format
msgid "Request %s not found on client side"
msgid "Request %s not found on the client's side"
msgstr "Запрос %s не найден на стороне клиента"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
@ -520,20 +513,20 @@ msgid "Request to sign is rejected!"
msgstr "Запрос на подпись сертификата отвергнут!"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Request for the signing has not yet reviewed."
msgid "Signature request not reviewed yet."
msgstr "Запрос на подписание сертификата ещё не рассмотрен."
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Request on signature does not match sent earlier."
msgid "Signature request does not match earlier data."
msgstr "Запрос или подпись не соответствуют отправленным ранее."
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Request was sent from another ip."
msgid "The request was sent from another IP."
msgstr "Запрос был послан с другого адреса."
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Not found field \"CN\" in certificate!"
msgid "Field \"CN\" not found in the certificate!"
msgstr "Не найдено поле \"CN\" в сертификате!"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
@ -543,16 +536,16 @@ msgstr "Имя файла ="
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Certificate added"
msgstr "Сертификат добавлен"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "file with ca certificates exists"
msgid "A file with CA certificates now exists"
msgstr "Файл с сертификатом удостоверяющего центра создан"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "You do not have a certificate. Use key --gen-cert-by HOST for generate new request or key --get-cert-from HOST for get new certificate from server."
msgid "You do not have a certificate. Use --gen-cert-by HOST to generate new request or --get-cert-from HOST to get a new certificate from the server."
msgstr "У Вас нет сертификата. Используйте ключ --gen-cert-by HOST для генерации запроса на сертитфикат или ключ --get-cert-from HOST чтобы забрать сертификат с сервера."
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
@ -560,20 +553,20 @@ msgid "Password: "
msgstr "Пароль: "
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Certificate not found in client"
msgid "Certificate not found on the clients side"
msgstr "Сертификат не найден на стороне клиента"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Error open file"
msgid "Failed to open the file"
msgstr "Ошибка при открытии файла"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Server certificate is not valid"
msgid "Invalid server certificate"
msgstr "Сертификат сервера недействителен!"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "CA not found on server"
msgstr "Сертификат Центра Авторизации не найден на сервере"
msgid "CA not found on the server"
msgstr "Сертификат Центра авторизации не найден на сервере"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Error. Certificate not added to trusted"
@ -601,23 +594,23 @@ msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Субъект"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Add CA certificates to trusted? y/[n]:"
msgstr "Добавить сертификат Центра Авторизации в доверенные? y/[n]:"
msgid "Add the CA certificate to trusted? y/[n]:"
msgstr "Добавить сертификат Центра авторизации в доверенные? y/[n]:"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Certificate not added to trusted"
msgstr "Сертификат не добавлен в доверенные"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Untrusted Server Certificate!"
msgid "Untrusted server certificate!"
msgstr "Недоверенный сертификат сервера!"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Add this Servers certificate to trusted (s) or"
msgid "Add this server certificate to trusted (s) or"
msgstr "Добавить сертификат этого сервера в доверенные (s) или"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Try add CA and ROOT certificates to trusted (c) or"
msgid "Try to add the CA and ROOT certificates to trusted (c) or"
msgstr "Попытаться добавить сертификат ЦА и корневой в доверенные (c) или"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
@ -625,19 +618,306 @@ msgid "Quit (q)? s/c/[q]: "
msgstr "Выйти (q)? s/c/[q]: "
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "Try add CA and ROOT certificates"
msgid "Try to add the CA and ROOT certificates"
msgstr "Добавить Корневой и сертификат ЦА"
#: /var/calculate/mydir/git/calculate-console/console/application/
msgid "This server is not trusted"
msgstr "Сервер не является доверенным"
#~ msgid "Process name - %s"
#~ msgstr "Имя процесса - %s"
#~ msgid "Process id - %s"
#~ msgstr "Идентификатор процесса - %s"
#~ msgid "Process started %s"
#~ msgstr "Процесс запущен %s"
#~ msgid "Process is active"
#~ msgstr "Процесс активен"
#~ msgid "Process has been completed"
#~ msgstr "Процесс завершён"
#~ msgid "Not found pid for this session!"
#~ msgstr "Не найдены процессы для вашей сессии!"
#~ msgid "Server get pids error"
#~ msgstr "Ошибка списка процессов с сервера"
#~ msgid "use key"
#~ msgstr "используйте ключ"
#~ msgid "Execute sessions:"
#~ msgstr "Запущенные сессии:"
#~ msgid "Process is completed"
#~ msgstr "Процесс завершён"
#~ msgid "Session doesn't belong to your certificate"
#~ msgstr "Сессия не соответствует Вашему сертификату"
#~ msgid "It was not possible to kill process"
#~ msgstr "Не удалось завершить процесс"
#~ msgid "field CN and L in CA certificate are incorrect!"
#~ msgstr "поля CN и L в сертификате CA некорректны!"
#~ msgid "error creating directory %s"
#~ msgstr "Ошибка при создании директории %s"
#~ msgid "CRL add"
#~ msgstr "CRL добавлен"
#~ msgid "CA certificate delete from user trusted certificate"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Сертификат Центра Авторизации удалён из пользовательского списка "
#~ "доверенных сертификатов"
#~ msgid "CA certificate delete from system trusted certificate"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Сертификат Центра Авторизации удалён из системного списка доверенных "
#~ "сертификатов"
#~ msgid "Enter certificate data by hand? y/[n]: "
#~ msgstr "Ввести данные сертификата вручную? y/[n]: "
#~ msgid "Country (2 words): [%s]"
#~ msgstr "Страна (2 символа): [%s]"
#~ msgid "Clear Cache error! "
#~ msgstr "Ошибка очистки кэша!"
#~ msgid "server send pid = "
#~ msgstr "сервер послал идентификатор процесса = "
#~ msgid "Process not exist or not belong to your session"
#~ msgstr "Процесс не существует или принадлежит не вашей сессии"
#~ msgid "no connection to server!"
#~ msgstr "нет соединения с сервером!"
#~ msgid "Process is terminated"
#~ msgstr "Процесс завершён"
#~ msgid "cannot create directory %s"
#~ msgstr "Не удалось создать директорию %s"
#~ msgid "Password is invalid"
#~ msgstr "Неверный пароль"
#~ msgid "language for translate"
#~ msgstr "язык для перевода"
#~ msgid "host destination"
#~ msgstr "хост назначения"
#~ msgid "post request a signed certificate by server"
#~ msgstr "послать запрос подписания сертификата на сервер"
#~ msgid "get signed certificate from server"
#~ msgstr "забрать подписанный сертификат с сервера"
#~ msgid "path to cert and key files"
#~ msgstr "путь к файлам сертификата и ключа"
#~ msgid "view a list of running processes"
#~ msgstr "просмотр списка запущенных процессов"
#~ msgid "dump (using with key --list-pid)"
#~ msgstr "дамп (используйте с ключом --list-pid)"
#~ msgid "view result of process"
#~ msgstr "просмотр результата работы процесса"
#~ msgid "kill selected process"
#~ msgstr "завершить выбранный процесс"
#~ msgid "clear cache session"
#~ msgstr "очистить кэш сессии"
#~ msgid "view session information"
#~ msgstr "просмотр информации о сессии"
#~ msgid "view information about session with sid = SID"
#~ msgstr "Просмотр информации о сессии с номером SID"
#~ msgid "view list active session on server"
#~ msgstr "просмотр списка активных сессий на сервере"
#~ msgid "update the certificate revocation lists"
#~ msgstr "обновить список отзыва сертификатов"
#~ msgid "method is not available"
#~ msgstr "Метод не доступен"
#~ msgid "Error in parameter "
#~ msgstr "Ошибка в параметре "
#~ msgid "Run process? (yes/no): "
#~ msgstr "Запустить процесс? (yes/no): "
#~ msgid "Interrupted by user"
#~ msgstr "Прервано пользователем"
#~ msgid "No access to file!"
#~ msgstr "Нет доступа к файлу!"
#~ msgid "Permission denied %s"
#~ msgstr "Доступ запрещён %s"
#~ msgid "Sid Deleted!"
#~ msgstr "Сессия удалена!"
#~ msgid "Server delete sid error"
#~ msgstr "Ошибка удаления сессии на сервере"
#~ msgid "This session not registered on server!"
#~ msgstr "Данная сессия не зарегистрирована на сервере!"
#~ msgid "Session number - %s"
#~ msgstr "Номер сессии = %s"
#~ msgid "Certificate number - %s"
#~ msgstr "Номер сертификата - %s"
#~ msgid "Date issue of certificate - %s"
#~ msgstr "Дата подписания сертификата - %s"
#~ msgid "Active session on server: "
#~ msgstr "Активные сессии на сервере:"
#~ msgid "No active session on server"
#~ msgstr "нет активных сессий на сервере"
#~ msgid "Session cache is cleared"
#~ msgstr "Кэш сессии очищен"
#~ msgid " Your certifitate id - %d"
#~ msgstr "Номер Вашего сертификата - %d"
#~ msgid "expiry date certificate has passed"
#~ msgstr "Время жизни сертификата истекло"
#~ msgid "shelf life expires after %d days"
#~ msgstr "Время жизни сертификата истекает через %d дней"
#~ msgid "You have sent a request to sign the certificate."
#~ msgstr "У Вас уже есть отправленный запрос на подписание сертификата."
#~ msgid "request id - %s"
#~ msgstr "Номер запроса - %s"
#~ msgid "Send new request? y/[n]: "
#~ msgstr "Отправить навый запрос на подпись сертификата? y/[n]: "
#~ msgid "connect..."
#~ msgstr "подключение..."
#~ msgid "Close. Connecting Error."
#~ msgstr "Ошибка соединения. Закрываюсь."
#~ msgid "secret key and request exists"
#~ msgstr "секретный ключ и запрос на подпись сертификата созданы"
#~ msgid "Create new secret key and request? y/[n]: "
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Создать новые Секретный Ключ и Запрос на подпись сертификата? y/[n]: "
#~ msgid "This server can not sign certificate!"
#~ msgstr "Сервер не подписал сертификат!"
#~ msgid "Your request id - %s"
#~ msgstr "Номер Вашего запроса - %s"
#~ msgid "request was not sent or deleted file %s"
#~ msgstr "Запрос не был послан или удалён файл %s"
#~ msgid "Request %s not found on client side"
#~ msgstr "Запрос %s не найден на стороне клиента"
#~ msgid "Request for the signing has not yet reviewed."
#~ msgstr "Запрос на подписание сертификата ещё не рассмотрен."
#~ msgid "Request on signature does not match sent earlier."
#~ msgstr "Запрос или подпись не соответствуют отправленным ранее."
#~ msgid "Request was sent from another ip."
#~ msgstr "Запрос был послан с другого адреса."
#~ msgid "Not found field \"CN\" in certificate!"
#~ msgstr "Не найдено поле \"CN\" в сертификате!"
#~ msgstr "Сертификат добавлен"
#~ msgid "file with ca certificates exists"
#~ msgstr "Файл с сертификатом удостоверяющего центра создан"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "You do not have a certificate. Use key --gen-cert-by HOST for generate "
#~ "new request or key --get-cert-from HOST for get new certificate from "
#~ "server."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "У Вас нет сертификата. Используйте ключ --gen-cert-by HOST для генерации "
#~ "запроса на сертитфикат или ключ --get-cert-from HOST чтобы забрать "
#~ "сертификат с сервера."
#~ msgid "Certificate not found in client"
#~ msgstr "Сертификат не найден на стороне клиента"
#~ msgid "Error open file"
#~ msgstr "Ошибка при открытии файла"
#~ msgid "Server certificate is not valid"
#~ msgstr "Сертификат сервера недействителен!"
#~ msgid "CA not found on server"
#~ msgstr "Сертификат Центра Авторизации не найден на сервере"
#~ msgid "Add CA certificates to trusted? y/[n]:"
#~ msgstr "Добавить сертификат Центра Авторизации в доверенные? y/[n]:"
#~ msgid "Untrusted Server Certificate!"
#~ msgstr "Недоверенный сертификат сервера!"
#~ msgid "Add this Servers certificate to trusted (s) or"
#~ msgstr "Добавить сертификат этого сервера в доверенные (s) или"
#~ msgid "Try add CA and ROOT certificates to trusted (c) or"
#~ msgstr "Попытаться добавить сертификат ЦА и корневой в доверенные (c) или"
#~ msgid "Try add CA and ROOT certificates"
#~ msgstr "Добавить Корневой и сертификат ЦА"
#~ msgid "Certificate not found in Server Database!"
#~ msgstr "Сертификат не найден в базе сервера!"
#~ msgid "Time"
#~ msgstr "Время"
#~ msgid "client use %s"
#~ msgstr "клиент использует %s"
#~ msgid "Add certificate to server Database..."
#~ msgstr "Добавление сертификата в БД сервера..."
#~ msgid "Certificate not found in server database!"
#~ msgstr "Сертификат не найден в БД сервера!"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Session doesn't belong to your certificate!"
#~ msgstr "Сессия не соответствует Вашему сертификату"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "It was not possible to kill process!"
#~ msgstr "Не удалось завершить процесс"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Process kill"
#~ msgstr "Процесс убит"
#~ msgid "Error"
#~ msgstr "Ошибка"
@ -656,26 +936,31 @@ msgstr "Сервер не является доверенным"
#~ msgid "Passwords do not match"
#~ msgstr "Пароли не совпадают"
#~ msgid "client use %s"
#~ msgstr "клиент использует %s"
#~ msgid "Add certificate to server Database..."
#~ msgstr "Добавление сертификата в БД сервера..."
#~ msgid "Your certificate ID = %s"
#~ msgstr "Номер Вашего сертификата = %s"
#~ msgid "Certificate not found in server database!"
#~ msgid "Certificate not found in the server database"
#~ msgstr "Сертификат не найден в БД сервера"
#~ msgid " Your session ID = %s"
#~ msgstr "Номер Вашей сессии = %s"
#~ msgid "Certificate not found in the server database!"
#~ msgstr "Сертификат не найден в БД сервера!"
#~ msgid "Adding the certificate to the server database..."
#~ msgstr "Добавление сертификата в БД сервера..."
#~ msgstr "Сертификат добавлен"
#~ msgid "Certificate not found in server database"
#~ msgstr "Сертификат не найден в БД сервера"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Session doesn't belong to your certificate!"
#~ msgid "Session does not match your certificate"
#~ msgstr "Сессия не соответствует Вашему сертификату"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "It was not possible to kill process!"
#~ msgid "Failed to kill process"
#~ msgstr "Не удалось завершить процесс"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Process kill"
#~ msgstr "Процесс убит"
