Исправлено переключение на unstable серверы обновлений

parent 0638f9663d
commit 2a28744e41

@ -1173,7 +1173,8 @@ class Update(MethodsInterface):
hosts = self.clVars.Get("update.cl_update_binhost_host")
if not hosts:
self.clVars.Delete('cl_update_binhost', location="system")
raise UpdateError(_("Update server is unavailable"))
raise UpdateError(_("Failed to find the server with "
"appropriate updates"))
if write_binhost:
if hosts[0] != self.clVars.Get('update.cl_update_binhost'):
self.refresh_binhost = True
@ -1181,9 +1182,7 @@ class Update(MethodsInterface):
new_ts = self.clVars.Get("update.cl_update_binhost_timestamp")
if new_ts:
new_ts = new_ts[0]
old_ts = self.clVars.Get("update.cl_update_last_timestamp")
if new_ts.isdigit() and (not old_ts.isdigit() or
int(new_ts) > int(old_ts)):
if new_ts.isdigit():
ini = SystemIni(self.clVars)
ini.setVar('update', {'last_update': new_ts})
if self.clVars.Get('cl_action') == 'sync':
@ -1226,10 +1225,12 @@ class Update(MethodsInterface):
self.clVars.Set(varname, new_value, force=True)
if not changes:
self.clVars.Delete('cl_update_binhost', location="system")
raise UpdateError(_("Update server is unavailable"))
raise UpdateError(_("Failed to find the server with "
"appropriate updates"))
except DataVarsError:
self.clVars.Delete('cl_update_binhost', location="system")
raise UpdateError(_("Update server is unavailable"))
raise UpdateError(_("Failed to find the server with "
"appropriate updates"))
return True
def drop_binhosts(self, dv):

@ -304,6 +304,11 @@ class VariableClUpdateBinhostData(ReadonlyTableVariable):
binhost_list = self.Get('cl_update_binhost_list')
binhost_list = self.Get('cl_update_binhost_unstable_list')
if (self.GetBool('cl_update_binhost_stable_opt_set') and
not self.GetBool('cl_update_binhost_stable_set')):
stabilization = True
stabilization = False
binhosts_data = Binhosts(
@ -318,8 +323,8 @@ class VariableClUpdateBinhostData(ReadonlyTableVariable):
ts, t, good, downgrade = binhosts_data.get_timestamp(binhost)
# условие актуальности текущего сервера
if ts and good and not downgrade:
data = binhosts_data.check_binhost(binhost)
if data:
status, data = binhosts_data.check_binhost(binhost)
if status == binhosts_data.BinhostStatus.Success:
return [[binhost, data, ts, str(t)]]
logger = self.get_logger(stub=binhosts_data.is_cache())
@ -328,28 +333,38 @@ class VariableClUpdateBinhostData(ReadonlyTableVariable):
date=time.ctime(), ts=last_ts))
for host, ts, t, good, downgrade in binhosts_data.get_sorted():
if ret_val is None:
data = binhosts_data.check_binhost(host)
status, data = binhosts_data.check_binhost(host)
data = ""
status, data = binhosts_data.BinhostStatus.UnknownError, ""
if not good:
if ts == "0":
reason = "FAILED"
reason = "FAILED (Wrong binhost)"
data = ""
t = 0
reason = "OUTDATED"
elif downgrade:
reason = "SKIP"
elif not data and ret_val is None:
reason = "UPDATING"
errors = {
binhosts_data.BinhostStatus.Updating: "UPDATING",
"FAILED (Bad env)",
"FAILED (Env not found)",
reason = errors.get(status, "FAILED (Unknown)")
reason = ""
if ret_val is None and data and (
not downgrade or stabilization):
ret_val = [[host, data, ts, str(t)]]
host = "-> %s" % host
logger.info("{host:<60} {speed:<7} {timestamp:<10} {reason}".format(
host=host, speed=float(t) / 1000.0, timestamp=ts,
if ret_val is None and data and not downgrade:
ret_val = [[host, data, ts, str(t)]]
return ret_val or [[]]
@ -1510,6 +1525,7 @@ class VariableClUpdateBinhostList(Variable):
type = "list"
value = ["ftp://ftp.calculate-linux.ru/calculate"]
class VariableClUpdateBinhostUnstableList(Variable):
Список хостов с бинарными обновлениями
@ -1517,6 +1533,7 @@ class VariableClUpdateBinhostUnstableList(Variable):
type = "list"
value = ["ftp://ftp.calculate-linux.ru/testing"]
class VariableClUpdateBinhostStableSet(Variable):
Удлять лишние файлы из репозиториев (например созданные пользователем)
@ -1524,6 +1541,7 @@ class VariableClUpdateBinhostStableSet(Variable):
type = "bool"
value = "on"
class VariableClUpdateBinhostStableOptSet(Variable):
Удлять лишние файлы из репозиториев (например созданные пользователем)
@ -1554,10 +1572,7 @@ class VariableClUpdateBinhostRevisionPath(Variable):
type = "list"
value = [
@ -1608,6 +1623,7 @@ class VariableClUpdateEixRepositories(ReadonlyVariable):
Отображаемый список обновляемых репозиториев eix
def get(self):
return ", ".join(
x.capitalize() for x in chain(

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ class Wsdl(WsdlBase):
