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# ChangeLog for dev-python/pyproj
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-python/pyproj/ChangeLog,v 1.13 2015/06/24 07:44:40 idella4 Exp $
*pyproj-1.9.4 (24 Jun 2015)
24 Jun 2015; Ian Delaney <> +pyproj-1.9.4.ebuild:
bump; New HOMEPAGE & SRC_URI due to shift of repo location of development,
add test phase, closes Bug 552174
*pyproj-1.9.3-r1 (04 Jan 2015)
04 Jan 2015; Ian Delaney <> +pyproj-1.9.3-r1.ebuild,
-pyproj-1.8.9.ebuild, -pyproj-1.9.0.ebuild, -pyproj-1.9.2.ebuild,
revbump; conversion -> distutils-r1, rm old
*pyproj-1.9.3 (04 Feb 2013)
04 Feb 2013; Patrick Lauer <> +pyproj-1.9.3.ebuild:
12 Dec 2012; Benda Xu <> pyproj-1.9.2.ebuild:
keyword ~amd64-linux
*pyproj-1.9.2 (29 Sep 2012)
29 Sep 2012; Tim Harder <> +pyproj-1.9.2.ebuild:
Version bump.
20 Feb 2012; Patrick Lauer <> pyproj-1.8.9.ebuild,
Restricting pypy #404023
*pyproj-1.9.0 (14 Feb 2012)
14 Feb 2012; Patrick Lauer <> +pyproj-1.9.0.ebuild,
Bump for #403291, adding doc useflag, thanks to Chris Mayo
*pyproj-1.8.9 (09 Mar 2011)
09 Mar 2011; Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <>
-pyproj-1.8.7.ebuild, +pyproj-1.8.9.ebuild:
Version bump.
*pyproj-1.8.8 (19 Sep 2010)
19 Sep 2010; Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <>
-pyproj-1.8.6.ebuild, +pyproj-1.8.8.ebuild:
Version bump.
*pyproj-1.8.7 (19 Jul 2010)
19 Jul 2010; Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <>
-pyproj-1.8.5.ebuild, +pyproj-1.8.7.ebuild:
Version bump.
*pyproj-1.8.6 (04 Nov 2009)
04 Nov 2009; Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <>
Version bump. Set SUPPORT_PYTHON_ABIS.
18 Jun 2009; Patrick Lauer <> pyproj-1.8.5.ebuild:
Adding ~x86 keyword, closes bug #274635
*pyproj-1.8.5 (28 Feb 2009)
28 Feb 2009; Patrick Lauer <> +metadata.xml,
Initial import. Fixes #224695. Ebuild contributed by Sam Jacobson