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# ChangeLog for dev-lisp/asdf
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lisp/asdf/ChangeLog,v 1.25 2015/05/30 06:40:37 jmorgan Exp $
30 May 2015; Jack Morgan <> asdf-3.0.3.ebuild:
ppc stable wrt bug #511170
29 May 2015; Jack Morgan <> asdf-3.0.3.ebuild:
sparc stable wrt bug #511170
23 May 2015; Pacho Ramos <> asdf-3.0.3.ebuild:
x86 stable wrt bug #511170
09 Jan 2015; Mark Wright <> asdf-3.0.3.ebuild:
asdf-3.0.3 needs the same prefix changes as asdf-3.1.4 since it uses the same
config files.
09 Jan 2015; redlizard <> asdf-3.1.4.ebuild:
Added prefix keywords.
09 Jan 2015; Mark Wright <> asdf-3.1.4.ebuild:
Thanks to jcdx for testing, add ~x64-macos to asdf-3.1.4 KEYWORDS.
08 Jan 2015; Mark Wright <> asdf-3.1.4.ebuild,
files/gentoo-init.lisp, files/source-registry.conf:
Thanks to Ruud Koolen (redlizard) for proving Gentoo prefix support for
asdf-3.1.4 and for testing on ~amd64-linux
*asdf-3.1.4 (20 Oct 2014)
20 Oct 2014; Andrey Grozin <> -asdf-3.0.1.ebuild,
-asdf-, -asdf-, +asdf-3.1.4.ebuild:
Version bump
11 Jul 2014; Patrick Lauer <> asdf-3.0.3.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 #511170
*asdf-3.0.3 (09 Mar 2014)
09 Mar 2014; Andrey Grozin <> +asdf-3.0.3.ebuild:
Version bump
12 Dec 2013; Chema Alonso <> asdf-
Revoke stable for amd64 wrt bug #485632
10 Dec 2013; Chema Alonso <> asdf-
Stable for amd64 wrt bug #485632
*asdf- (14 Oct 2013)
14 Oct 2013; Andrey Grozin <> +asdf-
Version bump
12 Aug 2013; Andrey Grozin <> -asdf-2.33-r4.ebuild:
Cleaned 2.33 - pre-release of 3.0
*asdf- (09 Aug 2013)
09 Aug 2013; Andrey Grozin <> +asdf-
Version bump
21 May 2013; Andrey Grozin <> asdf-3.0.1.ebuild:
asdf-3.0.1[doc] builds with texinfo-5.1, closing #467146
*asdf-3.0.1 (19 May 2013)
19 May 2013; Andrey Grozin <> +asdf-3.0.1.ebuild:
Version bump
25 Apr 2013; Andrey Grozin <> asdf-2.33-r4.ebuild:
DEPEND on <texinfo-5.0 (bug #467146)
24 Apr 2013; Andrey Grozin <> asdf-2.33-r4.ebuild:
USE flag doc added
*asdf-2.33-r4 (20 Apr 2013)
20 Apr 2013; Andrey Grozin <> -asdf-2.26.ebuild,
+asdf-2.33-r4.ebuild, +files/gentoo-init.lisp, +files/source-registry.conf:
Version bump from the lisp overlay (pmasked)
*asdf-2.26 (14 Dec 2012)
14 Dec 2012; Andrey Grozin <> +asdf-2.26.ebuild:
From the lisp overlay, version bumped
10 Oct 2012; Anthony G. Basile <> asdf-1.89.ebuild:
stable ppc ppc64, bug #436846
07 Oct 2012; Agostino Sarubbo <> asdf-1.89.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #436846
01 Oct 2012; Fabian Groffen <> asdf-1.89.ebuild:
Marked ~x64-macos
*asdf-1.89 (07 Apr 2012)
*asdf-1.86-r1 (07 Apr 2012)
07 Apr 2012; Jesus Rivero <> +asdf-1.86-r1.ebuild,
+asdf-1.89.ebuild, +metadata.xml:
Renamed dev-lisp/cl-asdf to dev-lisp/asdf
07 Jan 2010; Christian Faulhammer <> cl-asdf-1.89.ebuild:
Transfer Prefix keywords
10 Jan 2009; Raúl Porcel <> cl-asdf-1.89.ebuild:
alpha/ia64/s390/sparc/x86 stable
07 Jul 2008; Raúl Porcel <> cl-asdf-1.89.ebuild:
Add ~alpha/~ia64 wrt #229217
27 Mar 2008; Raúl Porcel <> cl-asdf-1.86-r1.ebuild,
Fix debian HOMEPAGE
28 Nov 2007; Fabian Groffen <> cl-asdf-1.86-r1.ebuild,
Dropped ppc-macos keyword, see you in prefix
03 Feb 2007; Diego Pettenò <> cl-asdf-1.86-r1.ebuild,
Use mirror://debian/ where applicable, or use mirror://gentoo/ if the file
has been removed from debian's mirrors.
07 May 2006; Markus Rothe <> cl-asdf-1.86-r1.ebuild:
Stable on ppc64
*cl-asdf-1.89 (01 May 2006)
01 May 2006; Matthew Kennedy <> +cl-asdf-1.89.ebuild:
New upstream version synchronizes with the revision Debian is using.
17 Dec 2005; Markus Rothe <> cl-asdf-1.86-r1.ebuild:
Added ~ppc64
01 Sep 2005; Matthew Kennedy <> cl-asdf-1.86-r1.ebuild:
Correct documentation install path; Resolves Bug #99387.
01 Sep 2005; Matthew Kennedy <> cl-asdf-1.86-r1.ebuild:
Keywording stable amd64, sparc.
24 May 2005; <> cl-asdf-1.86-r1.ebuild:
Keywording ~sparc
15 Apr 2005; Matthew Kennedy <> -cl-asdf-1.73b.ebuild,
-cl-asdf-1.77.2.ebuild, -cl-asdf-1.78.ebuild, -cl-asdf-1.81.ebuild,
-cl-asdf-1.84.ebuild, -cl-asdf-1.86.ebuild:
Remove old ebuilds.
14 Apr 2005; Matthew Kennedy <> cl-asdf-1.86-r1.ebuild:
Keywording for x86.
16 Mar 2005; Matthew Kennedy <> cl-asdf-1.86-r1.ebuild:
Keywording for ~amd64
*cl-asdf-1.86-r1 (31 Jan 2005)
31 Jan 2005; Matthew Kennedy <>
Support for Common Lisp Controller v4; Install asdf-install.lisp
28 Nov 2004; Joseph Jezak <> cl-asdf-1.86.ebuild:
Marked ppc stable.
21 Nov 2004; Nick Dimiduk <> cl-asdf-1.86.ebuild:
Added ~ppc-macos keyword
*cl-asdf-1.86 (04 Nov 2004)
04 Nov 2004; Matthew Kenendy <> cl-asdf-1.84.ebuild,
New upstream version.
*cl-asdf-1.84 (01 Aug 2004)
24 Sep 2004; <> cl-asdf-1.84.ebuild:
Adding ~ppc-macos keyword. Fixing directories as per bug #61542
01 Aug 2004; <> +cl-asdf-1.84.ebuild:
New upstream version; Required by SBCL w/ package locking
15 Apr 2004; Michael McCabe <> cl-asdf-1.81.ebuild:
adding s390 keyword
12 Feb 2004; <> cl-asdf-1.81.ebuild:
Cleanup for eclass changes.
28 Jan 2004; <> cl-asdf-1.81.ebuild:
~mips and ~ppc
*cl-asdf-1.81 (27 Jan 2004)
27 Jan 2004; <> cl-asdf-1.81.ebuild:
New upstream.
*cl-asdf-1.78 (16 Oct 2003)
16 Oct 2003; Matthew Kennedy <> cl-asdf-1.78.ebuild,
new upstream
*cl-asdf-1.78 (16 Oct 2003)
16 Oct 2003; Matthew Kennedy <> cl-asdf-1.78.ebuild,
new upstream
07 Oct 2003; Matthew Kennedy <> cl-asdf-1.77.2.ebuild:
minor clean up and unmask for x86
*cl-asdf-1.77.2 (28 Aug 2003)
28 Aug 2003; Matthew Kennedy <> cl-asdf-1.77.2.ebuild:
minor version update
22 Aug 2003; Jason Wever <> cl-asdf-1.73b.ebuild:
Added ~sparc to keywords
*cl-asdf-1.73b (07 Jul 2003)
07 Jul 2003; Matthew Kennedy <> :
initial import