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9 years ago
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2008-2016 Mir Calculate.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import sys
import re
9 years ago
from os import path, readlink
from calculate.lib.datavars import (Variable, VariableError, ReadonlyVariable,
READONLY, TableVariable, FieldValue,
VariableInterface, HumanReadable)
9 years ago
from calculate.lib.cl_lang import setLocalTranslate, _
9 years ago
setLocalTranslate('cl_install3', sys.modules[__name__])
from calculate.lib.utils.ip import (getInterfaces, getIp, getMask, getMac,
cidrToMask, maskToCidr, getIpNet, isDhcpIp,
checkIp, checkMask,
getOperState, getPlugged)
from calculate.lib.utils.device import lspci
9 years ago
from calculate.lib.utils.files import (listDirectory, readLinesFile)
from calculate.lib.utils import ip
from calculate.lib.utils.portage import isPkgInstalled
from operator import itemgetter
from itertools import *
from calculate.install.distr import DistributiveError
9 years ago
class NetHelper(VariableInterface):
Network variables not using for flash installation
routing = False
9 years ago
def uncompatible(self):
Network setting up unavailable for flash installation
if self.Get('os_install_root_type') == 'flash':
return \
12 years ago
_("Network configuration is unavailable for Flash install")
if self.routing and not self.Select('os_install_net_interfaces',
9 years ago
_notin=('off', 'dhcp'), limit=1):
12 years ago
return _("Network routing configuration is not available if all "
"interfaces are set to DHCP")
return ""
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNtp(NetHelper, Variable):
NTP server for system
opt = ['--ntp']
metavalue = "NTP"
value = ""
def init(self):
self.label = _("NTP server") = _("set the NTP server for the system")
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallProxy(NetHelper, Variable):
Proxy for system
value = ""
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetInterfaces(NetHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
Net interface devices
type = "list"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Interface")
def get(self):
return sorted(getInterfaces())
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetInterfacesOrig(NetHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
Net interface devices orig name from udev (enp0s2)
type = "list"
def get(self):
return self.Get('os_install_net_interfaces')
9 years ago
class VariableOsNetInterfacesInfo(NetHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
Inforamation about net interfaces
9 years ago
def get(self):
9 years ago
listInterfacesInfo = []
# Получена ли сеть по DHCP если нет to ip или off
9 years ago
for interface, ipaddr, dhcp in zip(
if dhcp == "on":
listInterfacesInfo.append((interface, _("DHCP")))
ipaddr if ipaddr else _("Off")))
9 years ago
return ", ".join(map(lambda x: "%s (%s)" % (x[0], x[1]),
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetData(NetHelper, TableVariable):
Hash for information about net
opt = ["--iface"]
metavalue = "IFACE_SETTINGS"
source = ["os_install_net_interfaces",
def init(self):
def defaultInterface():
ifaces = getInterfaces()
if ifaces:
return ifaces[0]
return "enp0s0"
9 years ago
self.label = _("Addresses")
9 years ago
# = _("IP address with network (example:%s)")%"" = _("Network interface, DHCP or IP address and network mask "
9 years ago
"(example: %s)") % (" --iface %s:" %
9 years ago
def raiseReadonlyIndexError(self, fieldname="", variablename="",
Behavior on change readonly index
9 years ago
raise VariableError(_("Network interface %s not found") % value)
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetHostname(NetHelper, Variable):
Computer hostname
9 years ago
def get(self):
return self.Get('os_install_net_fqdn').partition('.')[0]
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetFqdn(NetHelper, Variable):
Full host name
opt = ['--hostname']
metavalue = "HOSTNAME"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Hostname")
12 years ago = _("set either the short or the full hostname")
9 years ago
def set(self, value):
if "." in value:
return value
9 years ago
return "%s.%s" % (value, self.Get('os_install_net_domain'))
9 years ago
def check(self, value):
maxfqdn = 254
if len(value) > maxfqdn:
raise VariableError(
9 years ago
_("The hostname length should be less than %d") % maxfqdn)
def get(self):
if path.exists('/proc/self/fd/1') and \
9 years ago
readlink('/proc/self/fd/1') == '/dev/console' and \
self.Get('os_root_dev') == '/dev/nfs':
return "calculate.local"
return self.Get('os_net_fqdn')
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetDomain(NetHelper, Variable):
Domain on install system
9 years ago
def get(self):
return self.Get('os_install_net_fqdn').partition('.')[2]
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetAllow(NetHelper, Variable):
Allowed network
9 years ago
def get(self):
"""Allowed network"""
return self.Get("os_net_allow")
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetName(NetHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
Net device names
type = "list"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Name")
def get(self):
rePci = re.compile(r"(\d\d:\d\d\.\d)(?:/[^/]+){2}$")
9 years ago
def getPci(interface):
pathname = path.realpath(path.join('/sys/class/net',
9 years ago
pci =
if pci:
return ""
9 years ago
pciEthernet = lspci(shortInfo=True)
9 years ago
return map(lambda x: "{vendor} {name}".format(**x),
map(lambda x: pciEthernet.get(getPci(x),
{'vendor': _("Unknown"),
'name': _("vendor")}),
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetMac(NetHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
Net devices mac (Example: 01:02:03:04:05:06)
type = "list"
def init(self):
self.label = _("MAC")
def get(self):
9 years ago
return map(lambda x: getMac(x).lower(),
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetStatus(NetHelper, Variable):
Net status (dhcp,ip,or off)
type = "choiceedit-list"
def init(self):
self.label = _("IP address")
def get(self):
return map(self.getDefaultValue,
9 years ago
9 years ago
def getDefaultValue(self, iface):
def statusValue(ipaddr, dhcp):
if not getPlugged(iface):
return 'off'
if dhcp == "on":
return "dhcp"
elif ipaddr:
return ipaddr
if getOperState(iface) == 'down':
return "off"
12 years ago
return "dhcp"
9 years ago
rootDevNfs = self.Get('os_root_dev') == '/dev/nfs'
9 years ago
return statusValue(getIp(iface), "on" \
if rootDevNfs or isDhcpIp(iface) else "off")
9 years ago
def set(self, value):
value = map(lambda x: x.lower() if x else x, value)
ifaces = self.Get('os_install_net_interfaces')
9 years ago
return map(lambda x: self.getDefaultValue(x[1]) \
if x[0] == "auto" else x[0],
zip(value, ifaces))
9 years ago
def check(self, value):
for status in value:
9 years ago
if status not in map(lambda x: x[0], self.choice()) and \
not checkIp(status):
raise VariableError(_("Wrong IP address %s") % status)
def choice(self):
9 years ago
return (("dhcp", _("DHCP")),
("off", _("Disabled")),
("auto", _("Auto")))
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetIp(NetHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
IP for all network interfaces
type = "list"
def init(self):
self.label = _("IP address")
def get(self):
9 years ago
return map(lambda x: "" if x[1].lower() == "off" else
getIp(x[0]) if x[1].lower() == "dhcp" else x[1],
# def check(self,value):
# dhcps = self.Get('os_install_net_dhcp_set')
# wrongIp = filter(lambda x:x[0] and not checkIp(x[0]),
# zip(value,dhcps))
# if wrongIp:
# if wrongIp[0][0]:
# raise VariableError(_("Wrong IP address %s")%wrongIp[0][0])
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetNetwork(NetHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
Network for ip (Example:
type = "list"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Network")
def get(self):
9 years ago
return map(lambda x: getIpNet(x[0], x[1]) if x[0] and x[1] else "",
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetCidr(NetHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
CIDR of interfaces
type = "list"
def init(self):
self.label = _("CIDR")
def get(self):
Get CIDR of ip,net (Example: 24)
9 years ago
return map(lambda x: maskToCidr(x) if x else '',
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetMask(NetHelper, Variable):
Net mask of interfaces (Example:
type = "choiceedit-list"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Mask")
def get(self):
9 years ago
return map(lambda x: cidrToMask(getMask(x)),
9 years ago
def set(self, value):
Convert to mask CIDR value
9 years ago
def convertCidrToMask(x):
9 years ago
if x and x.isdigit() and int(x) in range(0, 33):
return cidrToMask(int(x))
return x
9 years ago
res = map(convertCidrToMask, value)
return res
9 years ago
def check(self, value):
dhcps = self.Get('os_install_net_status')
9 years ago
wrongMask = filter(lambda x: (x[0] or not x[1] in ("off", "dhcp")) and \
not checkMask(x[0]),
zip(value, dhcps))
if wrongMask:
9 years ago
raise VariableError(_("Wrong mask %s") % wrongMask[0][0])
def choice(self):
return ["",
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetDhcpSet(NetHelper, Variable):
Describe ip was get by DHCP or manualy
type = "boolauto-list"
def init(self):
self.label = _("DHCP")
def get(self):
9 years ago
return map(lambda x: "on" if x == "dhcp" else "off",
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetRouteData(NetHelper, TableVariable):
Route table data
opt = ["--route"]
metavalue = "NETROUTE"
source = ['os_install_net_route_network',
routing = True
def humanReadable(self):
return self.Get()
def init(self):
self.label = _("Routing") = \
_("add a routing rule (specified as "
9 years ago
def get(self, hr=HumanReadable.No):
"""Routing hash"""
interfaces = self.Get('os_install_net_interfaces')
interfaces_status = self.Get('os_install_net_status')
interfaces_network = self.Get('os_install_net_network')
staticInterface = \
9 years ago
map(itemgetter(0, 2),
filter(lambda x: not x[1] in ("off", "dhcp"),
zip(interfaces, interfaces_status, interfaces_network)))
route_data = []
if staticInterface:
9 years ago
staticInterface, skipNet = zip(*staticInterface)
return map(lambda x: [x[0],
x[1].get('via', ''),
x[1].get('dev', ''),
x[1].get('src', '')],
ifilter(lambda x: not x[0] in skipNet,
ip.getRouteTable(staticInterface))) or [[]]
return [[]]
def getHumanReadableAuto(self):
return Variable.getHumanReadableAuto(self)
9 years ago
def setValue(self, value, force=False):
Standard action for set value
self.value = self.set(value)
9 years ago
self.wasSet = True
self.invalid = False
# run check
if not force:
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetRouteNetwork(NetHelper, FieldValue, Variable):
Net for route table record
type = "choiceedit-list"
source_variable = "os_install_net_route_data"
column = 0
def init(self):
self.label = _("Network")
def choice(self):
9 years ago
return ["default"] # +self.Get('os_install_net_network')
9 years ago
def check(self, value):
# detect duplicate network
for wrongnet in ifilterfalse(ip.checkNet,
9 years ago
raise VariableError(_("Wrong network %s") % wrongnet)
dupNetwork = list(set(filter(lambda x: value.count(x) > 1,
if dupNetwork:
raise VariableError(
9 years ago
_("Network '%s' is used more than once") % dupNetwork[0])
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetRouteGw(NetHelper, FieldValue, Variable):
Gateway for route table record
source_variable = "os_install_net_route_data"
column = 1
def init(self):
self.label = _("Gateway")
9 years ago
def check(self, value):
# search unreachable gateways
9 years ago
NET, GW = 0, 1
netsGw = zip(self.Get('os_install_net_route_network'),
9 years ago
nets = filter(lambda x: x and x != "default",
for wrongip in ifilterfalse(ip.checkIp, value):
raise VariableError(_("Wrong gateway IP %s") % wrongip)
wrongGws = map(lambda x: x[GW],
filter(lambda x: not ip.isIpInNet(x[GW],
*(set(nets) - set(
filter(lambda x: x[GW],
if wrongGws:
9 years ago
raise VariableError(_("Gateways %s are unreachable") %
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetRouteDev(NetHelper, FieldValue, Variable):
Device for route table record
type = "choice-list"
source_variable = "os_install_net_route_data"
column = 2
def init(self):
self.label = _("Interface")
def choice(self):
return self.Get('os_install_net_interfaces')
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetRouteSrc(NetHelper, FieldValue, Variable):
Source ip for route table record
type = "choiceedit-list"
source_variable = "os_install_net_route_data"
column = 3
def init(self):
12 years ago
self.label = _("Source IP")
def choice(self):
9 years ago
return [""] + self.Get('os_install_net_ip')
def check(self, value):
for wrongip in ifilterfalse(ip.checkIp,
9 years ago
ifilter(None, value)):
raise VariableError(_("Wrong source IP %s") % wrongip)
ipAddrs = self.Get('os_install_net_ip')
wrongIps = filter(lambda x: x and not x in ipAddrs,
9 years ago
if wrongIps:
raise VariableError(
9 years ago
_("Wrong IP address %s in the specified source IP") %
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetRoute(NetHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
Data by route for conf.d/net
9 years ago
def performRouteData(self, performFunc):
routeMatrix = zip(self.Get('os_install_net_route_network'),
9 years ago
DEV, IP, CIDR, NET = 0, 1, 2, 1
return map(lambda x: performFunc(x[DEV], x[NET], routeMatrix),
# union ip and mask to ip/net
map(lambda x: (x[DEV], ip.getIpNet(x[IP], cidr=x[CIDR])) \
if x[IP] and x[CIDR] else (x[DEV], ""),
# filter(lambda x:x[IP] and x[CIDR],
def get(self):
"""Route info for conf.d/net"""
12 years ago
defaultDev = 0
workIfaces = self.Select('os_install_net_interfaces',
9 years ago
12 years ago
if len(workIfaces) == 1:
defaultDev = workIfaces[0]
9 years ago
def getRouteForInterfaceConf(interface, net, routeMatrix):
NET, GW, DEV, SRC = 0, 1, 2, 3
return "\n".join(
9 years ago
# build string for route from net,gateway,dev and src
map(lambda x: "{net}{gateway}{src}".format(
gateway=" via %s" % x[GW] if x[GW] else "",
src=" src %s" % x[SRC] if x[SRC] else ""),
# filter by interface and discard direct routes
# example: for discard net
filter(lambda x: (interface == x[DEV] or defaultDev and
interface == defaultDev) \
and net != x[NET], routeMatrix)))
return self.performRouteData(getRouteForInterfaceConf)
class VariableOsInstallNetNmroute(VariableOsInstallNetRoute):
Data by route for NetworkManager
def get(self):
"""Route info for system-connections of NetworkManager"""
12 years ago
defaultDev = 0
workIfaces = self.Select('os_install_net_interfaces',
9 years ago
12 years ago
if len(workIfaces) == 1:
defaultDev = workIfaces[0]
9 years ago
def getRouteForInterfaceNM(interface, net, routeMatrix):
NET, GW, DEV, SRC = 0, 1, 2, 3
defaultGw = map(lambda x: "%s;" % x[GW],
filter(lambda x: interface == x[DEV] and \
x[NET] == "default",
return "{0}\n".format(defaultGw[0] if defaultGw else "") + \
9 years ago
# build string for route from net,gateway,dev and src
x: "routes{num}={ip};{cidr};{gateway};0;".format(
num=x[0] + 1,
gateway=x[1][GW] if x[1][GW] else ""),
# filter by interface and discard direct routes
# example: for discard net
filter(lambda x: (interface == x[
DEV] or defaultDev and
interface == defaultDev) and net !=
NET] and \
x[NET] != "default",
return self.performRouteData(getRouteForInterfaceNM)
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetConfAvailable(NetHelper, Variable):
Available net configuration
type = "list"
def get(self):
9 years ago
mapNetConf = (('networkmanager', 'net-misc/networkmanager',
('openrc', '', _('OpenRC')))
image = self.Get('cl_image')
if image:
with image as distr:
distrPath = image.getDirectory()
9 years ago
return map(itemgetter(0, 2),
filter(lambda x: not x[1] or isPkgInstalled(x[1],
except DistributiveError as e:
9 years ago
return sorted(map(itemgetter(0, 2), mapNetConf[-1:]), key=itemgetter(1))
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetConf(NetHelper, Variable):
Net setup (networkmanager or openrc)
type = "choice"
opt = ["--netconf"]
metavalue = "NETMANAGER"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Network manager") = _("network manager")
def get(self):
"""Net setup (networkmanager or openrc)"""
9 years ago
if filter(lambda x: x.lower() == "networkmanager",
listDirectory('/etc/runlevels/boot') +
listDirectory('/etc/runlevels/default')) \
or self.Get('os_root_type') == "livecd":
nm = "networkmanager"
nm = ""
9 years ago
for val, comment in self.Get('os_install_net_conf_available'):
if nm == val and not (self.Get('os_root_dev') == '/dev/nfs' and
'os_install_root_type') == "livecd"):
return nm
return "openrc"
def choice(self):
return self.Get('os_install_net_conf_available')
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetDnsSearch(NetHelper, Variable):
Dns search
opt = ["--domain-search"]
metavalue = "DOMAINS"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Search domains")
12 years ago = _("search domains (comma-separated)")
def isDNSByDHCP(self):
If first interface get ip by DHCP dns must be DHCP
statuses = self.Get('os_install_net_status')
if statuses:
if statuses[0] == "dhcp":
return True
return False
9 years ago
def set(self, value):
return " ".join(re.split('[; ,]', value))
def get(self):
"""Get current name servers"""
dnsSearch = " ".join(
9 years ago
map(lambda x: x.strip().partition("search")[2].strip(),
filter(lambda x: x.lstrip().startswith("search"),
return "" if self.isDNSByDHCP() else dnsSearch
def humanReadable(self):
9 years ago
return self.Get() or (_("Get via DHCP")
if self.isDNSByDHCP()
else _("Not used"))
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetDns(VariableOsInstallNetDnsSearch):
Dns servers
opt = ["--dns"]
metavalue = "DNS"
def init(self):
12 years ago
self.label = _("Domain name server") = _("domain name server (comma-separated)")
9 years ago
def set(self, value):
return " ".join(re.split('[; ,]', value))
def get(self):
dnsIps = filter(ip.checkIp,
9 years ago
map(lambda x: x.strip().partition("nameserver")[
lambda x: x.lstrip().startswith("nameserver"),
12 years ago
return "" if self.isDNSByDHCP() else " ".join(dnsIps)
9 years ago
def check(self, value):
reIp = re.compile(ip.IP_ADDR)
9 years ago
if any(ifilterfalse(reIp.match, value.split(' '))):
12 years ago
raise VariableError(_("Wrong IP address for DNS"))
def humanReadable(self):
9 years ago
return self.Get() or (_("Get via DHCP")
if self.isDNSByDHCP()
else _("Not used"))
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallNetSettings(NetHelper, Variable):
Net service configured
type = "choice"
value = ""
def choice(self):
9 years ago
return [("", "")] + self.Get('os_install_net_conf_available')
class VariableOsInstallPxeIp(Variable):
IP адрес PXE сервера
type = "choice"
opt = ["--ip"]
metavalue = "IP"
def init(self):
self.label = _("PXE server IP") = "set IP address for PXE server"
def get(self):
for ipaddr in ifilter(None, self.Get('os_install_net_ip')):
return ipaddr
return ""
def choice(self):
return filter(None, self.Get('os_install_net_ip'))